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BOM 2014 - 09-September Julie Cefalu    
BOM 2014 - 10-October Julie Cefalu    
BOM 2014 - 11-November Julie Cefalu    
BOM 2014 - 12-December Julie Cefalu    
BOM 2014 - Intro Julie Cefalu    
Fall Clubhouse: Preview Pam Vieira McGinnis   preview
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging: Get the Perfect 1/4" Alex Anderson 1/4 inch seam tips for perfect 1/4 inch seam allowance
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo 1/4 inch seam testing for accuracy of quarter inch seam
BOM 2014 - 01-January Julie Cefalu 1/4 inch seam; rulers; flying geese; pinwheel A block - bloc-loc rulers; perfect piecing seam
Frayed Flowers BERNINA 3D flower Use gathering foot #16 to create 3D flowers.
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Lesson 1 Laura Nownes 9 patch 6 inch 9 patch blocks - includes PDF
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson Accuquilt dies Rose of Sharon Go! Die - part 1
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson Accuquilt dies Rose of Sharon Go! Die - part 2
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson Accuquilt dies Rose of Sharon Go! Die - part 3
Christmas Tree Skirt Pam Vieira McGinnis Accuquilt Go! Dies; tree skirt instructions for making felt tree skirt: includes PDF
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 06-June Sarah Vedeler applique 3 applique blocks set 1
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 07-July Sarah Vedeler applique 3 applique blocks set 2
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 08-August Sarah Vedeler applique 3 applique blocks set 3
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 10-October Sarah Vedeler applique 2 large applique corners
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 11-November Sarah Vedeler applique Finish applique corners
BOM 2013 Month 6 June Margo Clabo applique month 6 - border with applique veins
Machine and Hand Applique #01 Intro Alex Anderson applique intro; Hugs and Kisses quilt by Sue Garmen
Machine and Hand Applique #02 Alex Anderson applique find center of block background
Machine and Hand Applique #03 Alex Anderson applique cut and press stem fabric
Machine and Hand Applique #04 Alex Anderson applique Alex picks out seam
Machine and Hand Applique #05 Alex Anderson applique bias bar technique: currently not available
Machine and Hand Applique #06 Alex Anderson applique bias tape tools for stems
Machine and Hand Applique #07 Alex Anderson applique raw edge stems using Steam-a-Seam 2
Machine and Hand Applique #08 Alex Anderson applique leaves; raw edge and needle turn
Machine and Hand Applique #09 Alex Anderson applique glue stick technique for finished edge
Machine and Hand Applique #10 Alex Anderson applique spray starch technique for finished edges
Machine and Hand Applique #11 Alex Anderson applique inside curves
Machine and Hand Applique #12 Alex Anderson applique thread needle to hand appliqué the finished edge pieces
Machine and Hand Applique #13 Alex Anderson applique hand applique stitching; finishing; knots
Machine and Hand Applique #14 Alex Anderson applique hand blanket stitch
Machine and Hand Applique #15 Alex Anderson applique machine applique: vari overlock for finished edge; thread
Machine and Hand Applique #16 Alex Anderson applique machine settings for finished edge appliqué
Machine and Hand Applique #17 Alex Anderson applique machine blanket stitch for raw edge
Machine and Hand Applique #18 Alex Anderson applique mix and match quilt samples
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo applique Margo's machine applique - includes PDF - no video
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson applique 3D blossoms
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson applique padded applique
Invisible Applique By Machine BERNINA Applique Use foot #20 and invisible applique stitch or blind hem stitch for invisible applique.
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging Alex Anderson applique and quilting appliqué border and quilt designs
Circular Applique BERNINA Applique circles Sew circles with the circular embroidery attachment.
Decorative Stitch Applique BERNINA applique; decorative stitches Use decorative stitches to secure applique.
Colorful Rhapsody: Month 2 Ricky Tims applique; double blanket stitch securing applique with double blanket stitch - includes PDF
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 5 Ricky Tims applique; fusible web preparing applique pieces
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 6 Ricky Tims applique; fusible web Celtic Cross center square
Applique With Hover Mode BERNINA Applique; hover mode Use hover mode and dual feed for applique in 830 machine.
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 01-January Sarah Vedeler applique; piecing; paper piecing templates for paper piecing
Folding Fiber Books: Episode 3 Cheryl Lynch applique; printing on fabric; top stitching foam letters add applique; word and photos
BOM 2013 Month 4 April Margo Clabo applique; squaring up month 4 applique blocks - includes PDF
Temporary Altered Memory BERNINA applique; temporary altered stitch memory Use temporary altered sitch memory or pattern begin for precision applique.
Zoo Nouveau Ann Myhre appliqué, fusible web 2017 Summer Quilt Project
Folding Fiber Books: Episode 6 Cheryl Lynch assemble pages with Peltex and ribbon assemble and finish book
Sewing with Sumptuous Silks: Pieced Scarf Lesson 2 Lyric Kinard assembling machine; finishing by hand constructing your scarf
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Lesson 6 Laura Nownes assembling quilt; measuring; pressing putting it all together - includes PDF
Fabric Fancification: Lesson 5 Lauren Vlcek bead embroidery bead embroidery - includes PDF
Free Motion Machine Beading BERNINA Beading Use a spring hoop and your smallest needle to add beeding to projects.
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo beanbag game quilt pattern beanbag game quilt - includes PDF = no video
BERNINA Activa Machines - Machines To Grow With BERNINA BERNIN Activa Introducing the Activa line of machines.
Bernina Stitch Regulator BERNINA BERNINA stitch regulator Use the BSR for consistant quilt stitches.
Bias Binder Magic BERNINA Bias binder Use bias binder tool for finishing quilts and creating trim.
Binding by Machine BERNINA Bias binder Use bias binder tool for finishing quilts.
Bias Binder and Beyond BERNINA Bias bnder Use the bias binder to create handles and fringe.
BOM 2014 - 02-February Julie Cefalu bias tape; half square triangle B; C; D blocks; bias tape maker
Binding Basics Alex Anderson binding How to bind your quilt
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Binding Basics With Alex Laura Nownes binding binding basics from Alex
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Binding Laura Nownes binding binding
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo binding faux-piped binding
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson binding reversible binding- Part 1
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson binding reversible binding- Part 2
Riding the Ridge BERNINA Binding Use #23; #37 and #10 to sew corded binding.
Bodacious Machine Binding BERNINA Binding Use #20 foot and decorative stitches and pattern end for this binding.
Alternative Edge Treatments BERNINA Binding Use #20 and #94 feet; embroidery thread; yarn; decorative stitches; and corded bias binding for different edge finishes.
Matchine Binding With Pizazz BERNINA Binding Use the bias binder attachment and foot #94 to add trim to your quilt binding.
A Perfect Bias Binding By Machine! BERNINA Binding Use bias binder attachment and #94 foot for perfect bindings.
Bobbin Drawing BERNINA Bobbin work Use a separate bobbin case for bobbin work.
Block of the Month 2009 Sue Garman BOM 2009 12 videos on a play list detailing 2009 block of the month
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson borders add border to already quilted quilt
Be Bold With Buttons BERNINA Button sewing Use foot #18 to sew on buttons.
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero card readers saving pictures to computer
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson chain piecing flash feed (chain piecing)
Going in Circles BERNINA Circles Use the circular embroidery attachment for sewing circles 2 to 12 inches in diameter.
Color Basics: Lesson 1 Michelle Jackson color theory What is color?
Color Basics: Lesson 2 Michelle Jackson color theory value and dominance - includes PDF
Color Basics: Lesson 3 Michelle Jackson color theory temperature of color - active or passive
Color Basics: Lesson 4 Michelle Jackson color theory fabulous color combos - includes PDF
Color Basics: Lesson 5 Michelle Jackson color theory pattern; texture; scale - includes PDF
Color Basics: Lesson 6 Michelle Jackson color theory personality of color - includes PDF
Color Basics: Lesson 7 Michelle Jackson color theory color shift - includes PDF
Color Basics: Lesson 8 Michelle Jackson color theory adding unique color - include PDF
Special Effects With Color: Introduction Christine Barnes color theory intro
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 1 Value Christine Barnes color theory value
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 2 Visual Temperature Christine Barnes color theory visual temperature
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 3 Intensity Christine Barnes color theory intensity
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 4 The Color Wheel Christine Barnes color theory color wheel
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 5 Magic Fabrics Christine Barnes color theory magic fabrics
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 6 Transparency Christine Barnes color theory transparency
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 7 Luminosity Christine Barnes color theory luminosity
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 8 Luster Christine Barnes color theory luster
Special Effects With Color: Lesson 9 Opalescence Christine Barnes color theory opalescence
Fabric Design Jinny Beyer color theory; shading inspirational photos and the resulting Jinny Beyer fabrics
How To Use Color In Quilts Jinny Beyer color theory; shading tips; tools; and internet link to color palette help
Using Border Prints Jinny Beyer color theory; shading examples of enhancing blocks with border print fabrics
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Intro Laura Nownes contemporary sampler project requirements - includes PDF
Creative Corded Fashions BERNINA Cording Use clothesline; double cording feet; and fabric strips to assemble a unique purse.
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson couching Control multiple couching threads
Couching BERNINA Couching Use braiding and couching feet to add embellishment.
Flat Multicord Couching BERNINA Couching Use cording feet #22 or # 25 to couch decorative yarns and threads.
Creative Couching BERNINA Couching Use foot #12C to couch cord or beading.
Free Motion Couching BERNINA Couching Use the free motion couching foot to complete creatively couched designs.
Crazy Patchwork Made Easy BERNINA Crazy patchwork quilt Use base fabric and decorative stitches to build a crazy patchwork quilt.
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero cropping; resizing cropping and resizing - Photoshop Elements
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero custom sized multiples; ink types printing multiple photos; printer ink
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging Alex Anderson cutting straight strips strips for outer border
Hunter Star 5 Jan Krentz cutting strip sets cutting strip sets with prepared rulers
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 2 Alex Anderson cutting; marking cutting the pieces
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 3 Alex Anderson cutting; marking cutting background; making and laying out pieces
The Amazing Cutwork Tool BERNINA Cutwork Tool Attach to BERNINA machine to auto cut accurate shapes.
Cutwork BERNINA Cutwork Tool Use the cutwork software accessory to create 3D designs.
Cut Loose BERNINA Cutwork Tool Introducing the Bernina cutwork tool.
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Prairie Flowers - 1 Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson decorative blades using decorative blades for leaves; stems; and border
Decorative Stitched Pintucks BERNINA Decorative pintucks Use #46C to create corded pintucks with decorative stitching.
Fabric Fancification: Lesson 3 Lauren Vlcek decorative stitching decorative machine stitches
Spanish Hem Stitch BERNINA Decorative stitching Join strips of fabric and ribbon with decorative stitches.
Stitch Recipes BERNINA Decorative stitching Combine stitches into recipes to create new patterns.
Decorative Stitching! BERNINA Decorative stitching Use decorative stitches to create unique quilt blocks.
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging: Cut Faster with a Die Cutter Alex Anderson die cutting faster cutting with Accuquilt die
Dynamic Double Blanket Stitching BERNINA Double blanket stitch Use foot #20 to blanket stitch around applique pieces.
Double Needle Stitching BERNINA Double needle Use foot #20 to stitch ribbon.
Drawing Faces on Fabric: Lesson 2 Lauren Vlcek drawing eyes creating eyes - Includes PDF
Drawing Faces On Fabric: Lesson 1 Lauren Vlcek drawing facial features landscape of facial features -Includes PDF
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson drawing hexagons draw a hexagon
Drawing Faces on Fabric: Lesson 3 Lauren Vlcek drawing nose and mouth adding nose and mouth and putting it all together
Dual Feed Versatility BERNINA Dual Feed Built in dual feed on some BERNINAs uses several accessory feet to insure precision feeding.
The BERNINA Dual Feed Advantage BERNINA Dual Feed Use the dual feed on the 8 Series for attaching ribbon.
Perfect Echo Quilting! BERNINA Echo quilting Use the leather roller foot for perfect echo quilting.
Embellished Vintage Style Postcard: Lesson 2 Helen Gibb embellishing attach fabric print and ribbon
Embellished Vintage Style Postcard: Lesson 3 Helen Gibb embellishing attach lace leaves; bow; trim; seed beads
Embellished Vintage Style Postcard: Lesson 4 Helen Gibb embellishing attach flowers; leaf vine; do-dads
Embellished Vintage Style Postcard: Intro Helen Gibb embellishing postcards intro
Embroidered Crazy Quiting BERNINA Embroidery Use embroidery module to piece and embellish a crazy quilt.
Onsceen Quilting BERNINA Embroidery Use software to arrange embroidery designs.
Machine Embroidered Applique BERNINA Embroidery hoop; applique Use the embroidery hoop for applique.
Perfect Quilting With The Embroidery Module BERNINA Embroidery Module Use the embroidery module for easy quilting designs.
Texturing Fabric With Stitches BERNINA Embroidery; decorative stitches Use decorative stitches and embroidery module to texture fabric.
Eyecatching Eyelets BERNINA Eyelets Use the embroidery eyelet set to make free motion eyelets in several sizes.
Folding Fiber Books: Episode 1 Cheryl Lynch fabric books introduction and sample books
Fabric Fancification: Intro Lauren Vlcek fabric embellishing introduction - includes PDF's
Piecing 101 (and More): Fabric Grain Alex Anderson fabric grain fabric grain
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 1 Ricky Tims fabric prep preparing fabric: washing; cutting
Piecing 101 (and More): Fabric Quality Alex Anderson fabric quality fabric quality
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 1 Alex Anderson fabric selection introduction and fabric selection tips
Embellished Vintage Style Postcard: Lesson 1 Helen Gibb fabric selection; fusing fabric selection; sewing down ribbons and tacking
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Fabric Terms Laura Nownes fabric terms fabric terminology
Sewing Thick and Thin BERNINA fabric thickness Use foot #38 for uneven sewing surfaces.
Fall Clubhouse: Fall Banner Pam Vieira McGinnis fall banner fall banner - includes PDF
Fall Clubhouse: Fall Leaves Garland Pam Vieira McGinnis fall garland fall leaves garland - includes PDF
Fall Clubhouse: Fall Tea Towel Pam Vieira McGinnis fall tea towel fall tea towel - includes PDF
Longarm Quilting: Part 15 Linda Taylor feather & leaf filler; stitch regulator fairy wall hanging - part 2
Longarm Quilting: Part 9 Linda Taylor feathers feathered wreath
Longarm Quilting: Part 11 Linda Taylor feathers; meandering princess wall hanging - part 2
Felting On Paper BERNINA Felting; needle punch Use various fibers to created felting with the needle punch tool.
Drawing Faces on Fabric: Lesson 4 Lauren Vlcek finishing with pattern pieces; fusibles; and embellishments assembling the mini-quilt - Includes PDF
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Birds & Flowers - 1 Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson free cutting shapes; quilt sandwich free-cutting shapes
Free Motion Fun: Int. / Adv. 4 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: background fill filling background; quilting braiding
Free Motion Fun: Intermediate 1 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: edge finishing special EKG edge finishing technique
Free Motion Fun: Int. / Adv. 6 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: feathers feather practice and techniques
Free Motion Fun: Beginner 3 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: larger quilts more techniques for beginners: Managing quilt movement
Free Motion Fun: Beginner 1 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: preparation tools and tips to begin free motion quilting
Free Motion Fun: Spray basting revisited Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: spray basting answers to spray basting questions
Free Motion Fun: Int. / Adv. 5 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: swirls tips on using the swirl design
Free Motion Fun: Int. / Adv. 3 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: trapunto planning additional batting layer for texture; invisible thread; needle choice
Free Motion Fun: Intermediate 2 Patsy Thompson free motion quilting: trapunto intermediate level techniques and practice
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson freezer paper stencils make stencil from freezer paper
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 02-February Sarah Vedeler fusible raw-edge applique: blanket stitch templates and stitches for applique blocks
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Basic Fusing Tips Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson fusing basic fusing tips - includes PDF
Gathering Techniques BERNINA Gathering Use #16; #39; or #3 for different gathering techniques.
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo glue basting Elmer's washable glue bottle retrofit - includes PDF - no video
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson grainline straight of grain
The Clubhouse: Grocery Tote Pam Vieira McGinnis grocery tote instructions for making grocery totes tote
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging Alex Anderson half square triangles using bloc-loc ruler and reverse a ruler for inner border
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo half-square triangles preparing half square triangles
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo half-square triangles; pinwheel blocks using half-square triangles to make pinwheel blocks
Sewing with Sumptuous Silks: Pieced Scarf Lesson 3 Lyric Kinard hand beading adding beaded fringe
Hand Quilting: Lesson 01 Alex Anderson hand quilting No video
Hand Quilting: Lesson 01A Alex Anderson hand quilting encouragement; Nu skin
Hand Quilting: Lesson 02 Alex Anderson hand quilting cotton batting
Hand Quilting: Lesson 02A Alex Anderson hand quilting pins; ergonomics; thread
Hand Quilting: Lesson 03 Alex Anderson hand quilting polyester batting
Hand Quilting: Lesson 03A Alex Anderson hand quilting wooden hoops; thimble
Hand Quilting: Lesson 04 Alex Anderson hand quilting wool batting
Hand Quilting: Lesson 05 Alex Anderson hand quilting Hobbs Heirloom
Hand Quilting: Lesson 06 Alex Anderson hand quilting start with a quilting hoop
Hand Quilting: Lesson 07 Alex Anderson hand quilting piecing batting leftovers
Hand Quilting: Lesson 08 Alex Anderson hand quilting more viewer questions
Hand Quilting: Lesson 09 Alex Anderson hand quilting hand quilting needles
Hand Quilting: Lesson 10 Alex Anderson hand quilting oxidization on needle; bad needles
Hand Quilting: Lesson 11 Alex Anderson hand quilting backing - no sheets
Hand Quilting: Lesson 12 Alex Anderson hand quilting backing - no batiks; no white on whites; test with needle
Hand Quilting: Lesson 13 Alex Anderson hand quilting heavier than machine thread; match to cloth
Hand Quilting: Lesson 14 Alex Anderson hand quilting basting - t pin to carpet; quilt pin aroun perimeter
Hand Quilting: Lesson 15 Alex Anderson hand quilting spoon basting in grid
Hand Quilting: Lesson 16 Alex Anderson hand quilting marking quilt with your own design before basting
Hand Quilting: Lesson 17 Alex Anderson hand quilting marking tools: silver Verithin; General's white charcoal; pretest
Hand Quilting: Lesson 18 Alex Anderson hand quilting more hand-quilting questions
Hand Quilting: Lesson 19 Alex Anderson hand quilting quilting frame info
Hand Quilting: Lesson 20 Alex Anderson hand quilting quilting with a hoop
Hand Quilting: Lesson 21 Alex Anderson hand quilting Alex demos hand quilting
Hand Quilting: Lesson 22 Alex Anderson hand quilting no sheets - too high thread count
Fabric Fancification: Lesson 4 Lauren Vlcek hand stitching hand stitching - includes PDF demo
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Birds & Flowers - 3 Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson hand stitching; wrapped binding using hand stitches for dimension; adding wrapped binding and random fusing backing
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo hanging sleeve attaching a sleeve to a quilt with existing binding
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson hanging sleeve making a hanging sleeve
Longarm Quilting: Part 8 Linda Taylor hearts tessellating hearts; workstation heart template
Lace to Lace - The Heirloom Look BERNINA Heirloom sewing; lace Use foot #10 to join cotton lace.
Heirloom Fancy Brands BERNINA heirloom techniques Learn to make ace to lace; lace to entredeux; and fabric to entredeux.
Longarm Quilting: Part 16 Linda Taylor highlighting the embroidery fairy wall hanging - part 3
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging: Introduction Alex Anderson holiday lights project introduction
Hunter Star 1 Jan Krentz Hunter Star intro
Colorful Rhapsody: Month 3 Ricky Tims inside corners; seams assembling the quilt top - includes PDF
Online Inspiration BERNINA Inspration; projects Use magazines and Bernina website for project and technique inspiration.
Drawing Faces on Fabric: Intro Lauren Vlcek intro introduction and supplies -includes PDF
BOM 2014 - 03-March Julie Cefalu Irish chain H; I blocks; stitch 'n flip;
Labels BERNINA Labels Use embroidery module to create quilt labels.
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo Lemoyne Star block drafting a Lemoyne Star
Longarm Lifelines: Quick Loading Techniques Linda Thielfoldt loading quilts steps; tips; tricks for loading your quilts.
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Lesson 5 Laura Nownes log cabin 6 inch log cabin - includes PDF
Longarm Lifelines: Must-Have Accessories Linda Thielfoldt longarm accessories Magnifier; spoolholder; throatplate; castors; clamp.
Longarm Lifelines: Maintenance Matters Linda Thielfoldt longarm maintenance Tips for maintaining bobbin area; handwheel plate area; tension disk; and oiling.
Longarm Quilting: Introduction Linda Taylor longarm quilting machine overview
Longarm Lifelines: Taming the Tension Tiger Linda Thielfoldt longarm tension Tips for perfect tension.
Longarm Lifelines: Threading Your Gammill Linda Thielfoldt longarm threading Step for successful threading.
The Best From BERNINA BERNINA Machine ferature for quilters BERNINA offers straight stich throat plate; patchwork foot; and special stitches for quilters.
Fabric Fancification: Lesson 2 Lauren Vlcek machine quilting machine quilting with metallic thread
Name That Stitch: Episode 10 Libby Lehman machine stitches triple stitches
Name That Stitch: Episode 11 Libby Lehman machine stitches star stitch
Name That Stitch: Episode 3 Libby Lehman machine stitches straight stitch
Name That Stitch: Episode 4 Libby Lehman machine stitches zigzag stitch
Name That Stitch: Episode 5 Libby Lehman machine stitches free motion zigzag
Name That Stitch: Episode 6 Libby Lehman machine stitches vari overlock; blind hem;
Name That Stitch: Episode 7 Libby Lehman machine stitches gathering / joining stitch
Name That Stitch: Episode 8 Libby Lehman machine stitches single and double blanket stitches
Name That Stitch: Episode 9 Libby Lehman machine stitches bar tacks
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Prairie Flowers -3 Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson machine stitching machine stitching for dimension; adding grass; label; and sleeve
Piecing 101 (and More): Getting Set Up to Stitch Alex Anderson machine stitching preparing
Piecing 101 (and More): Let's Start Stitching Alex Anderson machine stitching needle choice; lining up fabric; neutral thread
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo marking quilt transfer quilting design with marking fabric - includes PDF - no video
Longarm Lifelines: Simple Sashing Solutions Linda Thielfoldt marking quilts Using painters tape for marking.
Longarm Lifelines: Marking Matters Linda Thielfoldt Marking quilts Pastel chalk pencils; air erasible marker; water-erase; and friction pens.
Fall Clubhouse: Napkins Pam Vieira McGinnis napkins fall napkins - includes PDF
Felting BERNINA Needle punch tool; felting Create felting effects with needle punch tool and fibers.
Machine Needle Punch BERNINA Needle punch tool; felting Use the needle punch accessory set to embed a variety of fibers into your projects.
Longarm Lifelines: Needle Notes Linda Thielfoldt needles needles an alignment.
Perfect 1/4" No Pins Curves BERNINA No pins curves Use the #57 patchwork foot with guide for perfect curves.
Slip-Sliding Away- Laminated Linen BERNINA Non-Stick Feet Use non-stick feet for laminated linen project.
A Sticky Situation BERNINA Non-Stick Feet Use non-stick feet for plastic; ultrasuede; and vinyl.
NonStick Feet BERNINA NonStick Feet Use nonstick feet with sticky fabrics.
Nonstick Foot BERNINA NonStick Feet Tips for sewing plastics; vinyls; and leathers.
One Seam Flying Geese Ricky Tims one-seam flying geese directions for piecing one-seam flying geese blocks
Seaming Hand knitted Items BERNINA Overlocking Use #12 bulky overlock foot to join knitted or fleece segments.
The Amazing Paintwork Tool BERNINA Paintwork Tool Use paintwork tool with embroidery module to create fabrics and labels.
Marking Magic With the Paintwork Tool BERNINA Paintwork Tool Use paintwork tool to mark quilts.
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 03-March Sarah Vedeler paper piecing 3 paper pieced star blocks set 1
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 04-April Sarah Vedeler paper piecing 3 paper pieced star blocks set 2
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 05-May Sarah Vedeler paper piecing 3 paper pieced star blocks set 3
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 12-December Sarah Vedeler paper piecing outside border
BOM 2013 Margo Clabo paper piecing using freezer paper
BOM 2013 Margo Clabo paper piecing scaling and paper choice
BOM 2013 Margo Clabo paper piecing add-a-quarter ruler
BOM 2013 Margo Clabo paper piecing using tracing paper or vellum
BOM 2013 Month 3 March Margo Clabo paper piecing month 3 - cutting and piecing the arcs - include PDF
BOM 2013 Month 5 May Margo Clabo paper piecing month 5 - piecing the star
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging Alex Anderson paper piecing paper piecing the tree block - includes PDF pattern
Random Patchwork BERNINA Patchwork; embellishment Use Fuse N Fleece; decorative stitches; and embroidery foot #20 to create random patchwork.
Hunter Star 2 Jan Krentz pattern drawing the pattern size
Hunter Star 3 Jan Krentz pattern strip piecing pattern
Colorful Rhapsody: Month 1 Ricky Tims pattern templates; fusible web; placement tracing patterns to templates and fusible web; cutting an placing fabric shapes- includes PDF's
BOM 2014 - 08-August Julie Cefalu piecing U; W; X: squaring up; union square; windmill; and x marks the spot block techniques
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging Alex Anderson piecing making the trunk and sewing the trees together
Hunter Star 6 Jan Krentz piecing piecing the block
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 4 Alex Anderson piecing aligning pieces; sewing together star tips
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 7 Alex Anderson piecing joining two halves
Piecing 101 (and More: ) Intro Alex Anderson piecing intro
Piecing 101 (and More): Let's Continue Piecing the Block Alex Anderson piecing trim ears; nestle seams; peak; pin
Piecing 101 (and More): Piecing the Star Alex Anderson piecing picking out; careful pinning and matching seams
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 4 Ricky Tims piecing continue assembling blocks; how to piece the 6 1/2' purple blocks
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 7 Ricky Tims piecing complete corner blocks; setting blocks; join rows
Easy Patchwork Math Lynn Wilder piecing blocks easy methods for creating complicated blocks
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson piecing crazy quilt crazy quilt blocks - part 2
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson piecing crazy quilt block crazy quilt blocks - part 1
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson piecing drunkard's path easy drunkard's path
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson piecing snowball block fast snowball blocks
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 2 Ricky Tims piecing strip sets strip sets to blocks on design wall
Tips For Gaelic Blessing: Part 3 Ricky Tims piecing strip sets continue placing strip sets; purple blocks
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Piecing Laura Nownes piecing: 1/4 inch piecing tips
BOM 2014 - 04-April Julie Cefalu piecing; applique E; J blocks; bloc-loc ruler;
BOM 2014 - 07-July Julie Cefalu piecing; applique T; Q; V blocks; corner trick: pressing
BOM 2014 - 06-June Julie Cefalu piecing; applique; bias tape N; P; R; O blocks; stable stuff; pressing
BOM 2014 - 05-May Julie Cefalu piecing; applique; log cabin K; L; M blocks; square in a square
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Prairie Flowers - 2 Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson pillowcase binding using pillowcase binding to finish quilt
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Pin Basting With Rob Appell Laura Nownes pin basting pin basting with Rob Appell
Longarm Quilting: Part 3 Linda Taylor pin basting loading the quilt top
Longarm Quilting: Part 4 Linda Taylor pin basting loading the backing and batting
Piecing 101 (and More): Pinning Alex Anderson pinning strategic pinning and placement for star points
Corded Pintucks! BERNINA Pintucks Use a pintuck foot; cord; and quilt guide to make rows of corded pintucks.
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Lesson 2 Laura Nownes pinwheel 6 inch pinwheel blocks - includes PDF
Longarm Quilting: Part 13 Linda Taylor pinwheel and "C" designs princess wall hanging - part 4
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo piping Margo's piping technique - includes PDF - no video
Playing With Piping BERNINA Piping Use foot #12 bulky overlock to make piping.
Portrait Quilts Intro Rob Appell portrait quilts how to start your portrait quilt
Portrait Quilts: Intro Lea McComas portrait quilts intro
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 1 Lea McComas portrait quilts choosing a photograph - 300 dpi
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 2 Lea McComas portrait quilts cropping and sizing
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 3 Lea McComas portrait quilts drawing and cutting the pattern
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 4 Lea McComas portrait quilts fabric selection
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 5 Lea McComas portrait quilts attaching pattern; fusing and cutting out pieces
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 6 Lea McComas portrait quilts adding pieces to base
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 7 Lea McComas portrait quilts putting layers together
Portrait Quilts: Lesson 8 Lea McComas portrait quilts squaring up; sleeve options; gift idea
Portrait Quilts: Step 1 Rob Appell portrait quilts tools and equipment for designing a portrait quilt
Portrait Quilts: Step 10 Rob Appell portrait quilts preparing to machine quilt
Portrait Quilts: Step 2 Rob Appell portrait quilts selecting fabrics and starting to fuse
Portrait Quilts: Step 3 Rob Appell portrait quilts cutting out fused pieces
Portrait Quilts: Step 4 Rob Appell portrait quilts laying out fused pieces with Teflon sheet
Portrait Quilts: Step 5 Rob Appell portrait quilts laying out fused faces on background
Portrait Quilts: Step 6 Rob Appell portrait quilts preparing borders for sewing
Portrait Quilts: Step 7 Rob Appell portrait quilts stitching top and bottom borders
Portrait Quilts: Step 8 Rob Appell portrait quilts attaching inner flange and outer borders
Portrait Quilts: Step 9 Rob Appell portrait quilts backing and pin basting the quilt
Postage Stamp Basket Alex Anderson postage stamp block finished size 4"
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Pressing Laura Nownes pressing pressing tips
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 5 Alex Anderson pressing pressing tips
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 8 Alex Anderson pressing finishing
Piecing 101 (and More): The Art of Pressing Alex Anderson pressing path of least resistance planning; beware bias edges
LeMoyne Star: Lesson 6 Alex Anderson pressing; trimming assembling; pressing and trimming techniques
Piecing 101 (and More): Prewashing? Alex Anderson prewashing prewashing
Printables BERNINA Printables Use TAP to print graphics to coordinate with your embroidery.
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero printer settings; photo fabric print settings; fabric sheets; setting ink
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero printing on fabric intro
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Lesson 3 Laura Nownes quarter square triangles 3 inch quarter square triangles - includes PDF
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson quilt label put quilt label on binding
Margo Clabo's Classroom Margo Clabo quilt labels quick computer labels - includes PDF - no videos
Longarm Lifelines: Gammill - Not Just For Quits Linda Thielfoldt quilted projects Quilted clothing; bags; notebag holder; pins; treeskirt.
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson quilting if project needs more quilting
Bite-Size Quilting BERNINA Quilting Use #10 edge stiching foot to join quilt-as-you-go blocks.
One Step Quilting BERNINA Quilting Use serger to strip quilt-a-you-go.
Sew Easy Sew Fun BERNINA Quilting Make a fabric tidy tray.
Longarm Lifelines: Quilting Around Applique Linda Thielfoldt quilting around applique Tips and tricks for quilting around applique.
Listen to Your Quilt Intro Barbara Pershing quilting design intro includes PDF
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 2 Barbara Pershing quilting design category of quilt
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 3 Barbara Pershing quilting design intended use of quilt
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 4 Barbara Pershing quilting design how much quilting
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 5 Barbara Pershing quilting design allover quilting design
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 6 Barbara Pershing quilting design partial custom quilting
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 7 Barbara Pershing quilting design heirloom / show quilting
Listen to Your Quilt: Lesson 8 Barbara Pershing quilting design thread type
BOM 2012 Sedona Star: 09-September Sarah Vedeler quilting designs setting triangles; paper pieced circle border
Longarm Lifelines: Fun and Easy Feathers Linda Thielfoldt quilting feathers Cat's claw feather with no marking or backtrack.
Free Motion Fun: Beginner 2 Patsy Thompson quilting: beginning techniques beginning techniques: loop d loop; stippling; hearts
Machine Quilting in an Embroidery Hoop BERNINA Quilting; embroidery Use the embroidery hoop for machine quilting
Fabric Fancification: Lesson 1 Lauren Vlcek raw edge applique images; beads; lettering - includes PDF's
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson removing threads remove thread after "reverse" sewing
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson reverse applique reverse applique
Longarm Quilting: Part 6 Linda Taylor rose pattern; stitch in ditch stitch in ditch and freehand border
Holiday Lights Wall Hanging: Making the Tree - Rotary Cutting Alex Anderson rotary cutting cutting the tree with a rotary cutter
Piecing 101 (and More): Cutting Your First half Square Triangle Alex Anderson rotary cutting 1/4 square triangle
Piecing 101 (and More): Rotary Cutting and Fear of Fractions Alex Anderson rotary cutting rotary cutting
Piecing 101 (and More): Safety Alex Anderson rotary cutting safety
Quilt Better Tools 10 Jan Krentz rotary cutting safety first
Quilt Better Tools 8 Jan Krentz rotary cutting accurate cutting
Quilt Better Tools 9 Jan Krentz rotary cutting accurate cutting - part 2
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson rotary cutting squares cut squares from fabric strips
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson rotary cutting strata sub cut strata
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson rotary cutting triangles cut striped triangles Part 1
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson rotary cutting triangles cut striped triangles Part 2
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson rotary cutting triangles cut triangles when ruler is not large enough
Fall Clubhouse: How to Make a Ruffle Pam Vieira McGinnis ruffle how to make a ruffle
Ready to Ruffle! BERNINA Ruffles Use the ruffler for various pleats.
Ruler Mastery Series Gina Perkes rulers using rulers for machine quilting
Inspirational Stitches BERNINA Sarah Vedeler quilts View Sarah Vedeler quilts for inspiration in using embroidery software and decorative stitches.
Sashiko By Machine BERNINA Sashiko Use foot #11 for sashiko.
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Lesson 4 Laura Nownes saw tooth star 6 inch saw tooth star blocks - includes PDF
Scalloped Corded Edge BERNINA scalloped corded edge Use #39 foot and cording attachment for scalloped corded edge.
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero scanning and saving scanning and saving options
Piecing 101 (and More): Finish the block Alex Anderson seam direction finishing
Stitch Straight With Guides BERNINA Seam guides Use foot #57 or seam guide attahment to sew straight lines.
Spectacular Serger Tucks BERNINA Serger pin tucks Use blind hem foot to make rolled hem serger tucks.
BERNINA Movie- The Making of the 8 BERNINA Series 8 machines Introducing the BERNINA 8 series.
Hunter Star 7 Jan Krentz setting the block option for setting the block
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Sewing Machines Laura Nownes sewing machine choosing a sewing machine
Beautiful Buttons BERNINA Sewing on buttons View 3 different techniques for attaching buttons.
Machine Smocking BERNINA Smocking Use foot #34 and a cable stitch and a wave stitch to create smocking patterns.
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Spray Basting Tips Laura Nownes spray basting basting with adhesive - includes PDF
Longarm Quilting: Part 12 Linda Taylor stacked feather design princess wall hanging - part 3
Sewing with Sumptuous Silks: Pieced Scarf Lesson 1 Lyric Kinard starching; assembling fabrics on freezer paper pattern using sumptuous fabrics
Longarm Lifelines: Stippling Success Linda Thielfoldt stippling tips and tricks for stippling.
BERNINA Stitch Designer BERNINA Stitch Design Design your own stitches with BDERNINA 880.
Longarm Quilting: Part 7 Linda Taylor stitch in ditch stabilizing center of quilt
Longarm Quilting: Part 10 Linda Taylor stitch in ditch; applique helper princess wall hanging - part 1
Quilt It Modern With the BERNINA Stitch Regulator BERNINA Stitch Regulator Use BERNINA stitch regulator to perfect machine quilting.
Longarm Quilting: Part 5 Linda Taylor stitching reference line securing the layer
Skinny Mini BERNINA strip piecing Use strip piecing to assemble skinny mini kits.
BOM 2013 Margo Clabo Striplate method supplemental instructions for the Striplate method- includes PDF
Longarm Quilting: Part 14 Linda Taylor teardrop & stemmed feathers fairy wall hanging - part 1
Texture Magic BERNINA Texture Magic Use Texture Magic and seam guides to create fabric effects.
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Thread Laura Nownes thread thread selection
Thread Painting: First Flowers Nancy Prince thread painting first flowers - includes PDF's
Thread Painting: Flowers of the Night Nancy Prince thread painting flowers of the night - includes PDF's
Thread Painting: Intro Nancy Prince thread painting intro:
Thread Painting: Pumpkin Patch 2 no video Nancy Prince thread painting thread painting pumpkin patch 2 - includes PDF's
Thread Painting: Solitary Tree Nancy Prince thread painting solitary tree - underlay; fill; highlight - includes PDF's
Thread Painting: Stitches with Attitude Nancy Prince thread painting stitches with attitude - straight and zigzag
Thread Painting BERNINA Thread Painting Use needlework kits and BERNINA stitch regulator to practice thread painting.
Thread Painting: Pumpkin Patch Nancy Prince thread painting / sketching thread sketching pumpkin patch - includes PDF's
BOM 2017 - The Halo Medallion Quilt Carolyn Hock Tips for 2017 BOM Quilt Tips for Making The Halo Medallion Quilt
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson tips for organizing keep track of needles
Quilt Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Sharon Pederson tips for organizing organizing threads and bobbins
Contemporary Sampler Quilt: Resource Guide - Tools Laura Nownes tools tools
Hunter Star 4 Jan Krentz tools prepping tools
Longarm Quilting: Part 2 Linda Taylor tools tools and supplies
Piecing 101 (and More): Tools Alex Anderson tools stocking your tool belt
Quilt Better Tools 4 Jan Krentz tools: mats cutting mats
Quilt Better Tools 5 Jan Krentz tools: rotary cutters rotary cutters
Quilt Better Tools 6 Jan Krentz tools: rotary cutters rotary cutter blades
Quilt Better Tools 1 Jan Krentz tools: rulers rulers
Quilt Better Tools 2 Jan Krentz tools: rulers ruler selection
Quilt Better Tools 3 Jan Krentz tools: rulers stop slipping
Quilt Better Tools 7 Jan Krentz tools: rulers travel tip
Folding Fiber Books: Episode 2 Cheryl Lynch tracing image; transfer to fusible; assemble make a page from a photograph
Printing On Fabric Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero trimming photos press fabric photos; trimming to size
Folding Fiber Books: Episode 4 Cheryl Lynch using spray adhesive to print on organza add a map and print on organza
Folding Fiber Books: Episode 5 Cheryl Lynch using stabilizer for thread painting combine photos and appliques; make cover
Using a Walking Foot BERNINA Walking Foot Use the walking foot for even feeding during quilting.
Little Fused Art Quilts With Freida & Laura: Birds & Flowers - 2 Laura Wasilowski & Freida Anderson woven collage weaving fabric strips for the nest
Easy Inset Y-Seams BERNINA Y-seams Use foot #37 markings for inset Y seams.