Name That Stitch - Episode 7


Posts On: December 14, 2016

Libby shares another fun decorative stitch.

#4 Tinilou 2016-12-17 21:07
Libby once again you have given us a fabulous way to save time with our trusty machines. Thank you for sharing.
#3 sewscout 2016-12-15 17:48
Just so happy to see Libby sewing!
#2 quiltshow12 2016-12-14 14:34
No wonder Libby is so good in figuring out how to save time (getting short threads to the back of her quilt top); she was twenty years in Girl Scouting. Girl Scouts are known to train up leaders ! So happy to have learned that about Libby, my hero.
#1 SchnauzerFan 2016-12-14 09:19
Bless you Miss LIbby!!! I have those needles in my stash and forgot I had them. Neat trick. Thank you!
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