Name That Stitch - Episode 9


Posts On: December 28, 2016

Libby is seeing stars, what do you see?

#4 austin 2016-12-30 19:27
A great way to fill in an open space! Sorry I didn't see all of the tutorials!
You look fantastic, so happy to see how great you are doing. Saw you with Ricky months ago
#3 Shirlgirl 2016-12-29 10:46
So good to have you back. Just got a new Bernina and can't wait to try this out. ❤
#2 Tinilou 2016-12-29 08:50
I'm so glad you are doing these tutorials they are fun and inspiring. Thanks Libby
#1 Lois Cain 2016-12-28 10:40
Looks like a snowflake to me! :lol:
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