Margo teaches you how to draft a LeMoyne Star.
In this video, you'll learn how to create a faux-piped binding (also known as a mini-flange) for your quilt.
Margo sets up her sewing machine and takes a test run to make sure she is achieving 1/4" accuracy when she sews a seam.
Straight from Margo's sewing room...learn how to attach a sleeve to a quilt that already has a binding.
Margo shows you how she turns 1/2 square triangles into Pinwheel blocks.
Margo shows you how to press your half-square triangles and how to remove the paper from them in order to prepare them for your quilt.
Transfer a Quilting Design without Marking Your Fabric
Quick and Easy "Game" Quilt - Toss a bean bag onto a matching quilt block!
Learn how to make quilt labels with your computer.
Good tools make the work go quickly. Retrofit your glue bottle now.
Here are some tips to make the blocks come together
Piping adds fun and color to your quilt. Here's Margo's technique.
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Apliquick - 3 Holes Microserrated Scissors