Name That Stitch - Episode 3


Posts On: November 9, 2016

You will learn to "fuzzy the edge" and create letters.

#3 Nana-Jan.W 2016-12-07 08:04
I like the fuzzy stitch. Just wish you would have shown more of your quilt to see the samples better, to be able to determine what types of things I might like to use this particular stitch more. I think showing your Quilts where you have used these stitches, & not just tiny portions there of, helps give a better understanding of where you might want to use these stitches. Thanks again
#2 LesMorris 2016-11-09 19:00
Thanks Libby, great as always, will look forward to the fuzzy stitch in my seascapes. I've done the monograms before this way, and it works great for me, better than what I get out of programmed embroidery.
#1 Tinilou 2016-11-09 09:27
Great tool for my box. Thanks for the tutorial I'm sure I wil use it.
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