Rosemary, this is a great thread. Having company coming for sewing today
someone had to clean up the "studio" (eh hem choke cough) and found a bunch of samples that need keeping, but what to do with them? I'm thinking a big album with sleeves would fit the spot and then, what in the world was I thinking with a bolt of Timtex?
Seeing you have excess Timtex (lucky girl) why don't you use that to attach your samples to? Timtex is a great base for making "books" or cards and can easily be coloured if white is not your colour and you want a pretty background for your samples. Personally I hate plastic sleeves put in folders/ring binders with samples. It stood up they droop and after a few months the holes in the sleeves give in and you have a mess. A few years down the road and the plastic goes bad and can ruin your threads if you are unlucky. Instead you can cut the Timtex to your desired size, attach a side using a folded piece of interfaced fabric sewing it down of course with one of your favourite decorative stitches making sure the piece of fabric is big enough to form a spine when you have finished your "bible". Once you have all your pages you can either make a hanging system by putting a knitting needle though the folded spine and find a box to hang them by punching half circles in opposite sides of the box or you can sew the spines together and put a front and back on the "book" or go a bit wild and do a bit of research into various ways of putting pages together. Sheeren La Plantz has a great book called Cover to Cover with a multitude of ideas and I am sure anybody into scrap booking will be able to come up with lots of newer ideas too