I'll try to explain this so you can look for something similar on your machine, but my owner's manual refers to this particular stitch as "Hand-look Quilt Stitch".
These are the threads I used on this project. The bobbin thread is a 30 weight black cotton and the top is YLI monofilament.
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This is a two stitch sequence.
Basically it is one regular stitch forward (that only shows the monofilament thread on the top) then the second part of the combination is where the bobbin thread is pulled to the top. The machine takes the second forward stitch; takes one stitch backwards (landing in the hole between the two stitches); takes two tacking stitches in the same hole, then advances to the second hole of the second stitch.
One regular forward stitch; second forward stitch; backwards; two tacks, forward.
Attachment {!-- ia1 -->Hand look quilt stitch.jpg{!-- ia1 --> not found
You can see in this closeup that shows the sequence, sometimes the stitches are not as "solid" looking as you would like, but I find that slowing down my speed helps with that issue.
{!-- ia0 -->close up.jpg{!-- ia0 -->
It's not perfect, but is useful for some applications.