At first the needle turn was awkward, and I thought I was never going to finish it. But the more I worked on it, the fast and better I became. I quite enjoy it.
I only work on it in the evening while sitting on the couch with my bird. I sew, she plays with her beads. Once in a while my birdie decides she has other plans and wants to help, so I have to set it down, so I don't always get to work on it. But it is nice to have something to do while I am giving her attention as well.
I really like it, I always thought I should be doing something while I am just sitting around, and now I feel like I have found that empty space I had.
Machine applique takes time and patience as well. For instance, I just finished up my Quilt Diva, which can be viewed on my website, and I did her under my machine. If the project is big, it is hard to keep moving it around and takes time to get all your stitches even (Depending on the stitch you use). Sometimes I dread doing machine applique cause you have to fold up your project to turn it under and around your needle and machine.
So I guess its a win win or maybe a lose lose situation with either one you choose.
Quilting & sewing aren't fun if you hurry and rush and get frustrated. Its an art and should be taken at a slow pace if you want it to be something viewed by others. LOL It should be something that you look forward to doing and your hobby should be something that relaxes you. If it doesn't then why are you doing it.
oh gosh, I am so good at rambling, sorry about that.
I guess what I am trying to say is that there are pros and cons in doing it either way, if you look hard enough you can find enough cons to make you stop doing it all together.
Heather in UT