I have just read through this forum with great interest and humility.
I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I've been a schoolbus driver since 1995. In May 2005 I pulled the door closed on the bus and felt something like a "twang" snap in my right shoulder. I treated it with heat over the weekend, thinking it was a pulled muscle, but it didn't help. By the following Tuesday I was at Urgent Care with pain shooting through my right arm, from shoulder to the tip of my index finger, which then went numb.
They started me on a roller coaster of treatment and finally the orthopedist, after months at a neurologist, declared very loudly "Can't they see you have a herniated disc!!!" I did-C6-C7 in my neck. I tried shots, PT, massage but nothing helped. So I was referred to a neurosurgeon and had an anterior microdisctecomy and fusion in June of '06.
I was great for about 3 or 4 months and then all my symptoms came back. After a CT scan, the doctors saw that a bone spur had grown at the fusion site. So I had that fixed this past July.
I've not gotten any better. PT's not helping, and a few weeks ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Since I never had it before, it's possible that my injury and the nerve damage caused it.
I've been on Cymbalta for the neuropathy, which hasn't done much for my hands but it makes me feel much better emotionally. The pain mgmt doctor also put me on Lyrica, which I take at bedtime and get a very good night's sleep.
I've been out on worker's comp since April of this year, so thank goodness I have the quilting business, since that doesn't hurt so much.
I also have carpal tunnel in my right hand. It's getting progressively worse and is affecting how I do things. Since I'm very left handed, I can do some things, but you don't know how much you depend on the other hand until you can't really use it. I've got an app't with the orthopedist on the 11th to see if I'm a good candidate for the surgery. I had the left hand done back in '03 and it's been great ever since. The rheumatologist who diagnosed the fibro recommends that I not have the surgery because fibro patients can take a lot longer to heal.
Have any of you that have fibro experienced this? If I do have surgery, it'll be after the holidays so I don't have to be out of business for too long.
I have to say that coming to the TQS site and "talking" to all my friends is a big help.
Anne, Jessamina, Ruth, Sharon, you are all very inspirational for me.
I thank you, and I apologize for being so long-winded
Eileen Keane, NY