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TOPIC: Quilting with disabilities

17 Oct 2007 17:52 #9757

I really appreciate everyone's input... and thank you Denise, for mentioning the hip pain. I have that sometimes and thought I was having hip problems on top of back problems. But, I do feel it's all connected. I go for my MRI on Tuesday, then back to the dr. on Wednesday so, we'll see what he has to say.
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11 Oct 2007 00:03 #9585

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Jessima, Hello
For many years I suffered with lower back pain just like you, I could work through it but then there is a point to say OK that's enough. I went to have an MRI done, bulging disk, Doc says nothing he can do go to a chiropractor
So I did, He asked what I expected out of the treatment , I said if you could take 50% of the pain away I would be thrilled, So 1st week I went everyday, 2nd week 4x, 3rd 3x a week and continued 3x`s a week for awhile after 4 weeks there was a difference after 2 months the pain was gone and then I went 1x a week after that wee tried 1x a month but it was too long for me. So don't be afraid find a good one and you will do well.....jean
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10 Oct 2007 14:39 #9573

I had neck surgery last year in June. The space for the nerve to the right hand was impinged by a bulging disk and I was losing the it's use. I couldn't read my own handwriting. The doctor went in (microsurgery) and opened the space in the vertebrae but didn't remove the disk that was bulging. I still have numbness in my little and ring fingers which gets worse when I use the hand a lot (fine motor). Part of that is also the neck position. I have gotten the use back to the point where my signature looks close to "normal". A different doctor wants to go in from the front and take the disk out. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
I have degenerative disk disease throughout my spine to differing degrees. I had my worst back pain 2 years ago right after my dad died. The sciatica was excurciating along with hip and low back pain. It caused numbness in my right heel which is still present. I am not a candidate for surgery on my lower back because there are too many problems and if they were to work on one, another would be agrivated and cause a domino effect.
The doctor finally sent me to a type of therapy where they taught me about decompressing the spine on a daily basis at home with simple body positioning. When I walked into the place, I was using a cane. By the end of the week of training, I had gotten rid of the cane and have only used it once since. I have to do it several times a day and cannot work anymore, but my quality of life has improved dramaticly. It turns out that the disk can only heal itself once pressure is lessened. It can't absorb nutrients or fluids while it's squashed. I am waiting for the beginning of the year before I get new MRIs to see how the disks are progressing, but I can now walk much more than before and recouperate more quickly when I do have increased pain.
As for pain and depression, I had to switch anxiety meds because they were no longer working once the pain became chronic and depression hit full force. I could not function without medications. That's just me.

Denise in cool Minneapolis
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Quilting with disabilities 06 Oct 2007 10:44 #9484

Ann - I do believe I hurt, therefore I am depressed, LOL!! And, I am with you, the less I have to medicate myself and stay out of the fog the better. I am managing my pain with just Motrin and Vicodin (the Vicodin only when the Motrin isn't helping). I sure don't want to go on anti-depressants. Again, I think when the pain lifts, so will the depression.

Sharon - no, never been to a chiropractor. In fact, it hurts me to even thing about someone doing anything to my spine. I have had many people suggest it but, so far.. I've avoided it. That's just me, but I am glad it worked for you.

I have been doing research on the internet (when it doesn't hurt to sit) for the most minimally invasive procedure that's out there. Luckily, I am near a major city and a number of teaching hospitals where the "latest and greatest" procedures in just about every area of the body are practiced on a daily basis. So, it's just a matter of finding the right doctor, and the right procedure.

Thanks for your input and concern. I'll let you know how I make out.
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Quilting with disabilities 05 Oct 2007 21:06 #9478

Jessima, been there, done that, got several T-shirts (enough to make a quilt, but I don't feel like it!).

Have you been to a chiropractor? When I had the same problem, my chiro fixed me right up.

I can sympathize with you. I had lumbar problems in the mid-90's. The nucleus of all 4 lumbar discs leaked out. I finally found that the nucleus of the disc is a protein substance that irritates nerves. So I was hurting from the waist down. I was almost a vegetable.

I was to the point that I prayed sincerely to die (didn't know it wasn't biblical at the time). The next afternoon my pain was gone and didn't flare up till just recently. Now I have the neck thing, fibro and some sciatic pain.

With my neck, I'm looking for an endoscopic surgeon. I want to start as conservatively as possible, then go up to the ultimate. If I start with open back surgery, I have nowhere to go, but live with the pain from scar tissue, etc.

Like Ann, I'd get several opinions. Consider endoscopic if you can. Research it on the web. I've been doing that lots lately. You have to take your health care in your own hands. Some doctors believe that if you don't think their way, you need another doctor. And believe me, if that's true, you certainly do need another doctor!

There are three endoscopic surgery centers in FL. I've talked to one and know a person who went to another one. He's happy with his surgery, so I'll probably go with that facility. Do a search on Laser Spine Institute, Bonati Spine Institute and Micro Spine.

I hope I've helped a little. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers for you to have wisdom and when you've found the right doctor and surgery, that you'll have a peace about it and know it's the right thing to do.

Well, I've done it again, written a novel. Sorry, I'm just wordy!!

Take care and let us know about your progress. We like to hear success stories.

Sharon in NE TN
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back Pain and depression 05 Oct 2007 18:52 #9476

Jessimina, your story is so sad and I hope that you get some relief depending on what you need. But don't give up hope. some have told me I am a Polly anna and should not tell others what to do but all I know is what worked for me. I had a fractured vertabrae misdiagnnosed for a while but thanks to my Maker and a wonderful dh who made sure that whatever options were available to me were known to me and I could make some decisions for myself. I was also blessed with very understanding, dedicated.and saavy doctors who listened to me and helped me make good decisions. I still have my problems but live pretty much the way I want to.
You probably are suffering from some depression but ask yourself if you are depressed and hurting from it or hurting and therefore depressed. It sounds to me like you have some good and natural reasons to feel depressed and want to pull the blankets over your head. Will medication help -- my answer is maybe but for me antidrepressants also made me more depressed and didn't really help alot. Finally I was able to find a balance of medication (and I am a half a pill person too) that handles most of my issues without keeping me in a drugged haze.
It sounds to me like you are at a point where trusting your own judgement is difficult for you and I really hope you can find the strength spirit or what ever to get back to that place.
You know your own body better than anyone so trust yourself. Seek the best information you can. Don't be afraid to ask for a second, third, fourth or whatever opinion you need until you really are comfortable and satisfied with your decision. You may still be scared who wouldn't be- but when you can face the path you must trod with the confidence that you have made the best decision you can. then move forward. and no matter what there are ways to adapt. ( I know some fabulous painters that hold their paintbrush in their teeth.)

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Back Issues 05 Oct 2007 13:44 #9465

Hi All,

After reading this thread (I hadn't noticed it before) I have to say that all of you have humbled me. When you live with chronic pain or any kind of disability you do tend to feel sorry for yourself sometimes. I am no exception. I have been dealing with lower back pain for about 8 years now. I have a ruptured disk that is pressing on my sciatic nerve. I have no idea what caused this. I don't recall falling or hurting myself but, I suspect its due to years of gardening and pushing carts full of dirt/mulch around and shoveling it into my flower beds. As you can imagine, I've had to give up gardening completely which broke my heart.

While the back pain is not pleasant, I could deal with it if it were not for the pain down my leg and into my foot caused by an inflamed sciatic. After reading about the depression some of you have, and just the way everyone described how they feel, I now know I'm not crazy. I sometimes feel like I am walking around in a haze. I can only describe it as feeling foggy. I know that has less to do with my back and more to do with depression. I also sometimes feel totally uncoordinated and wondered if my back issues could cause this. Has anyone experienced this?

I am a new quilter. I was looking for something to replace the gardening. But, when I am in one of my episodes (lots of pain) I can't be creative at all. I just can't think, so therefore can't sew or even care about quilting - which makes me mad/more depressed. The worst thing for me is sitting so.. you don't see me at the sewing machine if I am hurting. I do use a tush cush at home and work. It helps if the pain is moderate. If it's bad, I just don't sit. I find things to do that require standing. All areas that are from my waist to my head in my home are now spotless.

I am trying to manage my pain with Motrin and pain medication. I am one of those people who insists on taking the least amount to ease my pain, so I usually end up not taking enough. I am a "half-pill" kinda girl, LOL!! My husband just laughs as his theory is, if one works well, two will be super!!!

At my last appt. with the Orthopedic surgeon he suggested surgery so I am currently facing that decision. I've had the pain for so long that I can honestly say I can't imagine what it would be like not to feel it. But then... will fixing this cause problems elsewhere? I guess I am just scared. I have an MRI scheduled for this month. If the disk has degenerated further then surgery is an option. He told me most people just get to a point where they can't take it anymore and request surgery. I'm not sure I am to that point yet - but I'm getting close. I've had steroid shots and I just don't like them. One worked great, the other lasted about a week. Just temorary fixes. I also did physical therapy for a while. I have not tried accupuncture or deep tissue massage. I really don't know what other options there are at this point other than surgery.

Enough of my boo-hooing about my problems. God bless all of you who have shared so much of your lives and personal struggles in this thread. You are an inspiration to me.

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Deb in Az 02 Oct 2007 20:24 #9378

Are you the same Deb in Az that is a member of HeartStrings? If you are, this is Deanna Zimmer, also a member. Let me know.

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Re: Dissabilities or Differently abled? 25 Sep 2007 07:01 #9083

Having lived with a Blind Magician for several years, I've had a fair amount of life with the visually challenged. Together we did all that he could and worked to make others less uncomfortable with the visually challenged. I say Stitch with Love and go for it. There are many who are visually gifted and who can piece to perfection, down to a thread or two precision. Meanwhile they have huge piles of UFOs (Unfinished Objects). Many of those who receive our 'charity' quilts don't know or care about the differences your sight makes in your work. So just do it!

kingskid wrote:
Hi All I had to increase the font not yelling just legally blind lol... yes a physical disability. I like to call myself differently abled because I have to find different way so doing the things I used to do.
I have partial sight and can not see detail unless its really close up. I compensate by doing patterns what do not require as much percise matching and I am getting better as I quilt at trying more challenging patterns even if they do not come out perfectly. I have to be extra careful when using the rotary cutter that I do not get distracted while cutting lol... dont want to lose a finger lol... I did a small convergence quilt lap sized Ihave yet to finish up in black and white prints. I am working on a small picture sized stained glass quilt and a strip baby quilt. My designs will not be as complicated as most of yours but I do my best and leave the rest to God. I quilt in a group from my church that does quilts for missions thats where I started two years ago. I have been legally blind for 15 years now. I just had major surgery to remove a tumor but it was not cancer. Thanks for listening... Deb in AZ
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Dissabilities or Differently abled? 18 Sep 2007 01:15 #8789

Hi All I had to increase the font not yelling just legally blind lol... yes a physical disability. I like to call myself differently abled because I have to find different way so doing the things I used to do.
I have partial sight and can not see detail unless its really close up. I compensate by doing patterns what do not require as much percise matching and I am getting better as I quilt at trying more challenging patterns even if they do not come out perfectly. I have to be extra careful when using the rotary cutter that I do not get distracted while cutting lol... dont want to lose a finger lol... I did a small convergence quilt lap sized Ihave yet to finish up in black and white prints. I am working on a small picture sized stained glass quilt and a strip baby quilt. My designs will not be as complicated as most of yours but I do my best and leave the rest to God. I quilt in a group from my church that does quilts for missions thats where I started two years ago. I have been legally blind for 15 years now. I just had major surgery to remove a tumor but it was not cancer. Thanks for listening... Deb in AZ
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Sharon in TN 13 Sep 2007 16:59 #8622

I honestly believe that no medical problem is too small. I look at this journey that I have been on as bumps in the road. I can sit here and feel sorry for myself or I can live my life, no matter how long it may or may not be.

I haven't been to the hospital for 5 months now. I honestly feel like I am out of the woods. I think this poor body of mine had been through so much from Sept. 2003 to April, 2007, that it needed more time to rid itself of all of the meds, chemo, surgeries, anethesia, etc.. My BP is finally down, 117/67. I do what I can with supplements, food and quilting so I don't have to have that many meds anymore. I am only taking 2 meds now and 5 supplements.

Part of our finance problem is the apartments I have. There are three of them. I bought them in 98', a year after we moved here. Right now, there may be two empty ones in the next couple of months. And for reasons unknown, this time of year is hard to rent apartments here. So, that will be $1100 that won't be paying bills. And believe me, we need every cent for bills. But, we have been through so much, I can't lose my faith or belief in everything will work out. Michael took the first year off to care for me. He started a new job, 2 weeks before my last chemo. He missed it as he was in D.C. at a seminar. That job he hung on to for about nine months, commission job, and not due to what he was doing, he never got his loans. Office politics. They layed him off and he decided to change careers, finally. But, no one wanted to hire a 60 year old man until he went to Lowes in June , 2006. Now he is in management. They saw his worth even when he didn't. I had to nag him into applying. He took a huge pay cut, about 60%, but he isn't stressed like he was and he knows he's going to get paid for his work.

Quilting keeps me going. It is the best medicine I could give myself.

I know Huntington Court Methodist Church. If you ever come this way, let me know. It would be nice to meet some of the quilters on this site.

Have a great time with your quilting..

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DeeSkye 11 Sep 2007 17:02 #8529

Your post really humbled me. To think of what you've been through and you seem to be in a positive mood. It's great that you've made the doctors shake their heads because you've done so well and have been cancer free for these past years. You make me realize that my problems are very small compared to what you've had to deal with.

I understand the finances also. My husband 'got' retired in 2004. The job he has now is about 1/2 the former salary. He's working as Facilities Manager at our church and we both feel so strongly that he's exactly where God wants him right now, so we're making it. My health problems started in the mid 90's. At that time, we had decent insurance. Now with retirement, insurance is a joke. I look at it this way. As long as you pay something each month, they can't do anything to you, it's interest free and if you don't pay it off in your lifetime, let your estate do it. There are some things, like our health, that have to be taken care of, so we just have to keep on keeping on and do the best we can.

I see you're from Roanoke. My husband and I both have relatives there. It was so funny when we found out that my husband's aunt and my great aunt lived in the same apt. house when they were first married, about 60-70 years ago. Do you know of Huntington Court United Methodist Church. That's where they went to church.

Well, take care and I hope you have many, many more cancer free years.

Sharon in TN
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11 Sep 2007 10:05 #8513

Ann, I posted this at the "old" site. So, I copied and pasted.....

Well, Miss Ann, glad someone took this discussion under their wings.
I wrote you an email before I came on.

I have been keeping myself too busy and forgetting about my quilting friends. I did celebrate my 4th year of being cancer free, Sept. 8. With only a 2% chance of making it at all, I feel so blessed. The eye surgery I had in the Spring has really fixed the vision problems I was having. But, the right eye is starting to act much like the left one did before the retina started detaching. So, we are paying close attention to my sight. The doctor gave me things to look for early on. I almost waited too long before to get help for it.

Right now I am a bit down due to our horrible finances due to medical bills and my husband being unemployed for almost 3 of my 4 year journey with breast cancer. So, I am quilting and quilting. I can get down into my quilting studio and my problems/worries disappear. I am still working on quilts for the kids and elders at Pine Ridge Reservation. I was really hoping to get me a pink, pale yellow and white breast cancer quilt done for me but the money situation is too bad to buy any fabric. I have been using what I have here and some that others have sent to me also. It does my soul a world of good to know I am giving a child or elder some comfort with the quilts. It's food for my soul......

Hope all of you are doing well and I promise to check in every day.

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Ellen Ann Eddy 04 Sep 2007 12:37 #8228

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Look at her work for inspiration. This lady creates the most magnificent quilts using her ARMS, as her fingers are arthritic.
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