Hi Ladies
Been busy last couple of weeks and yesterday had a phone call that no mother wants. Youngest dd had a RTC, someone on way to airport sideswiped her and caved in the door on drivers side. Her car is a write off, but very fortunately, she escaped with brusies and bumps. When I looked at the car I thought she was a goner as it was only a little KA! Still, she is ok so I can get back to something more pleasant. If anyone is close to Radstock (Somerset) there is a quilt exhibition in the local museum of local quilters. The exhibition is great and the rest of the museum is well worth a look as well!
I am stewarding on a couple of afternoons and it has been organised by my lqs, which coincidentally has won an award in Aug issue of P & Q. OOOps, shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag!!!!!
Also, I am going to FoQ on Thurs. 20 Aug, anyone also going on that day so we can meet up???? Better go before this turns into an essay. Hope you all are well and glad that the thumb has recovered Amo!
Best wishes
Lynn in flooded Cheddar (well the garden anyway!