crocus999 wrote:
Thank you so much Lois. Yes to all the above. You are very thoughtful. DIL just sent me a link to a very short video that said that grandparents who babysit are less likely to get Alzheimer's or dementia. LOL. Hubby skis everyday, and I join him once in a while,(Xcountry) if it's above -10C.
I can knit while bbsitting, but not quilt.
My niece, mother of four, recently circulated that same video reguarding Alzheimers among all those in our extended family who are grandparents. My husband was quick to reply, "Less likely to get Alzheimer's and more likely to have heart attacks."
Reguarding fat 1/4 swap. I want to stay focus on finishing up stuff I am working on and have deadlines. Got to thinking it was going to take a bunch of time getting myself organized to get it done. Sorry.