Ricky spoke with "organizational engineer and author" Lois Hallock at the Houston Quilt Festival. She has some great tips for organizing your fabric that are simply genius...and all you need is a ruler.

Click here to go to Lois' website.


#6 ConnieLou 2018-02-14 07:28
Love the idea of folding fabric around the ruler and have been doing it for years. My shelves are only 8 inches deep, so I use my 7 inch wide ruler. After making the first "wrap around" I use the ruler crosswise for a tri-fold. Perfect on my less deep shelves, the fatter end profile is easier to see, and stays together better when I pull fabrics out. Thanks for all your great ideas!
#5 Amy F 2018-02-13 17:49
I like the idea of symmetrical folding for even stacks, but what works best for me is wrapping fabric on comic book boards, which are cheap and reusable. I stack them upright and they are easy to take out and put back.
#4 dfrontczak 2018-02-13 06:36
I have folded my fabric similarly to this, but using the ruler is absolutely brilliant! Can’t wait to try it for making my stacks more even and for getting a piece from the bottom. Looks like I definitely need that book and pattern.
#3 le 2018-02-13 02:33
:-) Absolutely fantastic. Cannot wait to get your book.
#2 Allison C Bayer 2018-02-12 15:17
Lois, you have saved me many hours for looking for things by being organized. The one tip of how to fold your fabric so it looks nice on the shelf was the BEST!! I've shared it with so many fellow quilters over the years.Thank you for writing the book!!
#1 merqury 2018-02-12 13:46
I have had this book for several years and made good use of your ideas when I was designing my quilting studio. One time I couldn't find it and was so upset that I ordered another online. Now I have 2!
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