Betty's quilt, Therapy, saw her through relationship difficulties, a flood, five surgeries, and two auto-immune diseases. Concentrating on the beauty of the materials and technique helped her to remember there is beauty in the world and this quilt reflects that beauty.

A photo of the quilt can be found under the video.


#13 Betty 2018-05-02 08:23
Thank you all for the very kind words. Yes, the leaves around the central border are beetle wings.
#12 Shirley Peters 2017-12-09 02:45
What a lovely quilt. I can understand why it was therapy. The leaves on the roses that are around the central fan, look like beetle wing cases? Are they?
I have a small box full and have never known what they could be used for. So inspiring. Thank you.
#11 funornot 2017-12-04 08:50
Absolutely Beautiful and inspiring
#10 Karen Yuma 2017-12-03 17:32
That is absolutely gorgeous and I truly understand when you say this quilt is Therapy. Quilting helps keep me grounded. Thank you for a lovely piece.
#9 stuffpuff 2017-12-03 17:10
amazing and beautiful - so many hours of work
#8 Patsy 2017-12-03 15:58
Such a wonderful and true work of artistry! And, quilting or handwork of any kind can be a great source of healing. You have cause to be proud Betty.
#7 happyhare 2017-12-03 14:39
Thank you, Betty. I saw a leaf on your quilt that I have never seen before. I must go make one right now so I have it in hand as my memory is not what it used to be.
Beautiful work.
#6 Sz 2017-12-03 13:05
What a wonderful piece.
#5 turtleswimmer 2017-12-03 11:36
How beautiful your crazy quilt is! It is very intricate and each part of so detailed and unique in it's own way.
Wonderful quilt in so many ways.
#4 Karen Brixner 2017-12-03 11:05
This is so beautiful. And, interestingly, so symmetrical. Much planning went into her design.
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