It's swimwear season! Have you bought your new suit? These styles from the early part of the 20th Century might have you wishing for the good old days. And some of them just might inspire a quilt design.

#4 Brendaintheboro 2016-07-05 03:45
I remember wearing a navy blue woollen swimming costume and in the water it stretched. fortunately I was only about 5 yrs old. heehee
#3 katie 2016-07-04 14:50
It would be fun to know the years for all these. Some look like lingerie.
#2 Mary Jo 2016-07-04 10:08
The foot wear was interesting. Shoes and stockings as part of a swimming ensemble had never occurred to me. Hmmmmmm.
#1 robin 2016-07-04 08:53
wouldn't you love wearing wool and hosiery to swim in! 8)
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