Ruffled Roses Ruffled Roses - Introduction - 0

Available On:
November 15, 2010

Instructions no longer available

Introduction Package: Ruffled Roses is a medallion quilt. The center block is set on point and is surrounded by many borders. Each month, directions for various parts of the quilt will be provided online; your task is to print out the instructions and make whatever is called for. You can always modify the instructions, of course, to suit your skill level and your personal likes and dislikes. The finished quilt, as designed, measures approximately 87 inches square. There are twelve separate patterns. Each pattern includes blocks and/or border units, and assembly instructions. As you complete each set of units, your quilt top will grow until the final border is added.


Ruffled Roses Ruffled Roses - Introduction

Instructions no longer available

#5 JanetF 2017-01-13 07:16
This was one of the few I didn't download when it was live, and asked the same question without getting an answer. I've just discovered that this pattern IS available on Sue Garman's website (comequilt.com) , and google tells me there are a couple of shops doing it as a BOM, too. I'm thrilled to be able to get this one now.
#4 Nfiegirl 2017-01-11 20:22
:sad: Please bring this BOM back to honour Sue Garman.
#3 Alex 2016-07-16 19:42
I believe Sue sells the pattern - but that said....stay tuned for next years BOM - it has the midas touch from SUE!
#2 Kathy Schneider 2016-07-16 13:31
Is there a way to obtain directions from someone who has made this without breaking any copyright laws? It is a shame such a fantastic quilt cannot be made and enjoyed by those who did not know about it at the time or have just discovered it. I and others would be more than happy to pay for duplication costs of the paper pattern. Happy Quilting!
#1 Laurie Flannery 2016-04-10 07:52
I would love the directions to this block of the month. Is there a reason it is no longer available? It sure is beautiful!
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