ok folks, here's the step by step
Attachment {!-- ia1 -->1-12_QasUgo.jpg{!-- ia1 --> not found
click on the picture twice to get a full sized version...
yes they are two different blocks, i took a bunch of pictures - then forgot about it - so i started again another day
and here the how-to to sew the QasUgo-Squares together...
{!-- ia0 -->QasUGo_2squares.jpg{!-- ia0 -->
as you can see - i wasn't very careful at all about making the swirls the same - i.e. i sew as i go and according to mood - my seam allowance changes from this to extra wide - making the strips skinny or fat - as the case may be
as for the stitches when sewing the pieces together... no one will ever take such a close look again - although i will have to be a bit more careful when i get to sewing the proper pieces together... this first two were not ironed before squaring off - and were squared using a pair of scissors - so the others should improve
a key item to remember is: when you sew on the strips - once you get to the outer bits - remember that you will need a good half inch to turn under or fold over when sewing the squares together - so don't sew those edges together through the three layers, but take small backstitches on only the strip layer - this will prevent the seam from opening when working - and especially also one you have cut the edge off to square up all the squares to the same size...
does anyone understand what i mean - in the process i think i even confused myself and i've been doing these all year