Thanks for your MO on the swirls Lotti - I remember you showing us this in Galway but it was good to be reminded.

As for your feathered friend - he's adorable and you really do have a very steady hand. Shaun and I were in France last weekend and he was feeding pidgeons by hand. This was the best I could do - very hard to get a frenzied hungry bird to stay still! Within minutes we had a large flock around us - me and St. francis that is!
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Meanwhile on the beach... a wedding party were convinced by their photographer that this would make a great photo for their wedding album


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The bride and groom smiled through it all....even as they dragged the now sand-laden dress back up the beach. It was pretty filthy by the time they reached the pavement again. And the groom's trousers were wet up to the thighs. And off they went leaving a very wet trail behind them.