Reetzbobeetz wrote:
Margo, the middle flower was made of left-over pieces from the 2011 BOM appliqued blocks! Nice to use them up. I had a bit of purple that had been fused so just cut out little tear-drop shapes. It's amazing what you can do with left-over fused fabric - even tiny bits. I hate to throw the bits out because the steam-a-seam is so expensive here, and the fabric!
Lois you have got the gist of the Christmas cake we have here in Ireland and England. Rich fruit cake with marzipan and white icing. It's just not Christmas without one. I can live without the pudding but not the cake. My current favourite is Nigella Lawson's Chocolate Fruitcake. It has coffee liqueur in it which is just great because that mixed with the cocoa makes it really yum.

Don't forget the cake decorations that come out every year - my mum has a small church, a reindeer that is a bit taller than the church and a large fat robin, that is nearly as tall as the church, to scale they are not, but it wouldn't be a christmas cake without them ( also I prefer it when the icing is roughed up into peaks to resemble a snow storm, because then you can sneak breaking the peaks off to eat without anyone noticing

Good to see we are back on track. Embellishments is the topic here, right?