Lorchen, that's a big woohoo! Good for you. Crossing your arms in front of you is a major sign of progress. I'm sure that as you keep at it, you will have other things that you can do, like bending over without feeling like you're being punched in the middle. I'm hoping that one comes soon for me
I've been taking cut up veggies to work in a big plastic bag, reaching for them every time I "need" to eat. Friday night I worked, I actually was full!!! That's really working out for me. I know that some people can't be munching all day (like teachers- I'm sure!!) but this is helping me get over the fear of being hungry without something to eat.
My employer has changed our health plan. If we choose the option with the lower premium, they weigh and measure us, and try to nudge us in a healthy direction. The measuring will start in April or May! That, and several other factors, have been enough to get me on the road again.