Nancy .. I agree with everyone else....Your block is beautiful just the way it is...Like me, you critisize yourself more than others. My younger sister once told me I was my own worst enemy. Have to remember that sometime. Keep up the good work. You at least have your August block finished. I haven't started mine yet. Too many other things taking up my time. Hope to have it finished before September rolls around. Nan F.
I just posted my August BOM, I used beads for the BB's but you can't tell by the picture. I'm not sure I still like what I put in the center of the vase, I like what everyone else did better, oh well. Heidi
Nancy, Your block is wonderful - love your colors and that is what I love about this BOM - every little thing doesn't have to be the same - they are all beautiful with the uniqueness of the touch of the artist.
Nancy, Love your vase as is! I left the bands off as I felt it was just too fussy. I almost forgot the small wisps of baby breath. Your block looks awesome!
Maggie in E. Central Illinois, with storms to the north earlier, storms to the south now.
My block is posted. I thought it was a relatively easy block, compared to March, which I thought was very difficult. Everyone's blocks are so very pretty.