Judy, another great block. Your vase fabric is great. I still find it hard to believe you are making 2 of these at one time! Keep up the fantastic work.
I'm getting close to finishing the August BOM. I've been thinking how I wanted to do those skinny stems and finally used the satin stitch, which went so well with the satin stitching on the remainder of the block. Today I'll get the embroidery done for the baby's breath. It wasn't until yesterday, that I decided what I wanted to do for all those french knots. I'm going to use beads and just hope it won't interfer with the eventual quilting. Of course, I will be able to temporarily remove them.
All the blocks are so creative. Nan, your beading looks wonderful and don't worry about being behind. I have yet to start the July or August BOM. On the plus side I finished and turned in our guild's challenge quilt on time and I have finished the top of our mystery quilt. So much to do, so little time. But it is all so fun! Thanks everyone for being such inspirations. Lorna
Just posted my July block...I know just a little behind. I plan on using red quick fix crystals to the hearts after I quilt this block. I don't know if you can see clearly, but the vase is made up of fabric with stars, and the hearts are cut from fabric that I had left after I made place mats. I thought it was right in theme for being a july block. Nan F.
Thanks for all the kind words. All the blocks are wonderful. Heidi, I can see the dimension when I enlarged your photo. I almost bought some white beads but didn't and the French knots went on very quickly. I think September is lower right corner. I'm going to get my fabrics chosen so I can start it as soon as 9/1 arrives. Glad we have Sue's color photo to look at.