There have been several comments about difficulty posting photos so I thought I would try to include some directions here. I think they are right, but if anyone notices mistakes, please let me know and I'll change the directions.
The web gurus change the procedure occasionally, but I think this will work for now:
To add any photo to your TQS profile you must first get to your profile page. You can get there at any time by clicking on MY PROFILE on the purple bar at the top of any page.
There are 2 rows of photos and they are uploaded differently.
The top row is for your quilt photos. These will be added to the TQS Quilt Gallery and need to have information for the TQS search function included.
To add a new quilt in a blank spot, just click on ADD QUILT.
Scroll down to the box titled “My Quilt” and fill out all of the info boxes to the bottom of the page. Be sure to include a brief description of the quilt in the appropriate box but you need to keep it to 30 words or less.
You will be reminded if you skipped any boxes! When you get to the bottom of the page, click on SUBMIT. This will add the necessary info about the quilt.
Now you can add the picture. At the top of the page, click on UPLOAD QUILT IMAGE then click on BROWSE. A box will open that says “Choose File” at the top of the box. Navigate to the file where your photo is stored and click on the photo, then click OPEN at the bottom of the box. The location of the photo will show up in the Browse box. You then need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on UPLOAD. It will take a few minutes to upload the photo and you can watch the progress on the bar at the bottom left side of your computer (PC) screen.
If you don’t have an empty spot for a new quilt, click EDIT QUILT under one of your existing pictures. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click DELETE QUILT PROFILE. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete this profile; click DELETE and proceed as above.
The second row is for your personal photos.
To add a photo here you need to complete the description first, then click SUBMIT.
A new screen will pop up and you need to click on UPLOAD PHOTO then click on BROWSE. A box will open that says “Choose File” at the top of the box. Navigate to the file where your photo is stored and click on the photo, then click OPEN at the bottom of the box. The location of the photo will show up in the Browse box. You then need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on UPLOAD. It will take a few minutes to upload the photo and you can watch the progress on the bar at the bottom left side of your computer (PC) screen.
If you don’t have an empty spot for a new photo, click EDIT PHOTO under one of your existing pictures. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click DELETE PHOTO. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete this photo; click DELETE and proceed as above. Be sure that you change the description as well as the photo, or your old description will still be there.
If you would like to see your profile the way other TQS members see it, just click on your profile picture or screen name anywhere on the site, or you can enter your screen name in the Search page in the purple bar. Only you can see it in the form that shows up when you click “My Profile”.
Please make an effort to post a profile photo of yourself and 6 quilt photos and 6 personal photos. It takes a few minutes, but it definitely makes for a much more friendly community when we know something about our members.