If you've never starched your fabrics before you cut out your pieces, you might want to try it! I find that it really helps tame the bias and prevents the edges from fraying. Even using starch, fabric will still stretch sometimes, but if it's been starched, just a good press with steam will block it back into shape. Just be aware that until it's washed out, the starch will make your quilt really stiff! DUH!
Here is an example. This is my basket border's setting triangles. This area was a little full, but blocking with a shot of steam put it all back in place!
Shucks! I just realized that this second photo is the next basket in the row. Oh well...the same setting triangle is in the picture.
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I also like my background to be really stiff when I do machine appliqué, so that gets starched too.
So? Do you starch? What brand do you use? How did you like it? What don't you like about starching your quilt projects?