eileenkny wrote:
I have another question. I tried using the starch method on some appliques I'm doing. Now the turned edges are so hard I can barely get my needle through them. What am I doing wrong?

Eileen, like I said in the very first post here, starch will make your quilt really STIFF! I use both starch and glue for my turned edge
machine appliqué, but when I do hand applique, I usually just do needle-turn with prewashed (SOFT!) fabric. Even so, I do use the starch when I make the berries that all of Sue's projects seem to have!

When I sew them on by hand, I just take my time and use a really good thimble to push the needle through the fabric.
You might want to try diluting your starch with water so that it's not quite so concentrated. That's why I really like the Sta-Flo brand, because I can mix it as heavy (or light) as I need it for the project at hand.