Linnyt wrote:
Has anyone tried making their own spray starch from corn starch? I've seen it on the web in several places and was thinking of trying it.
linny t
Linny, scroll up on this topic for a couple of links to Diane Gaudynski's web site for the cornstarch recipe. She uses it all the time.
I've never done that because it has a short shelf life due to the fact that it has no preservatives. I prefer Sta-Flo because I don't want to have to worry about it going bad, not to mention the fact that mixing it up sounds too much like cooking to me!
Some people report trouble with bugs because of starch. I have been using it for years, and have never had a problem. It may be that I don't store starched fabric (or UFOs) or it may be the climate here. If you know you are susceptible to bugs, just don't starch more fabric than you expect to use and be sure that you don't take a long time to finish a project!