Woohoo--I found you all--and I've even seen a few names from the past! (Littleflower!--Remember us?)
Thanks for all the nice notes and welcome messages. I know change is good (change is good...change is good...) but some of us were on that QYW message board for over 10 years. I've met so many online and real life friends while cahtting about our quilts, projects, home lives, everyday minutiae. Part of my daily routine. And D&D have been very good about putting up with us.
So--hi everybody! Happy to be here.
To tell you a little about myself--I'm Toni from Milwaukee (Go Packers! Oh I don't know why I said that--I'm really a baseball fan. Go Brewers!) and have been quilting for about 12 years, starting after I sold my coffee house. My DH and I now own a small computer business for wich we work a LOT. I've just recently began making studio (or art) quilts and have joined the Milwaukee Art Quilters Group. I still make many traditional quilts, especially since I now have a darling little grandson named Lukas for whom to make piles of stuff!
I'm looking forward to seeing my old buds and making new friends here at TQS.