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TOPIC: It's A New Day! to be Fit and Trim

13 Aug 2008 20:32 #24100

This is what I have learned about my cravings. When I am craving something like chocolate really bad; it usually means I am lacking something in my system. Try figuring out what is the main vitamins and minerals in that particular food and find some other food that is comparable. Another thing that I have fallen onto is if I have artificial sweeteners I crave sugar really bad. So bad that I can not ignore it. Since I have given up my coffee I have not craved chocolate at all. Not even during Mother Natures visits. I did have more energy until 3 days ago then I had 2 glasses of wine and stayed up until 2:00 am and well with fibro I am tired. When you are in the middle of a plattuae throw the old diet out the window for a weak and do something different. If you count callories, count carbs, ect. This will trick you body and brain, thereby jumpstarting your metabolism. These are all tricks that have been taught to me by various diet programs over 25 years. Just make sure that you are getting enouh protien in your diet. Remember if you don't your muscles will be what pays the price.
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12 Aug 2008 15:33 #24038

Sandy, I know it took a long time to put on and it will take a long time to take off. Thanks for listening.

Wanda and Frances, I did WW a long time ago and know that I should do it per recommendation from my doctor and I will look into it on line.

Thanks for all of the support. Judy in AZ
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12 Aug 2008 14:36 #24035

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Hang in there, Judy. Sometimes it just take a while before we loose weight or our numbers change. I'm kind of doing WW. It is available online, but I have the books, so just doing my own thing! One of the doctors in the clinic strongly recommends WW as the safest weight loss plan. If I can help, let me know.

Happy Quilting,

Shiner TX
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12 Aug 2008 14:14 #24034

I think you can do WW on line now. It's hard to lose the weight. I can't do much walking right now and I keep looking out the back door at the pool and know that I should be in there. It's also too hot here to do much walking. My dd and I are talking about riding bikes on the trail which means putting them on a bike carrier and driving out to the trail.
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12 Aug 2008 11:01 #24031

Patty, thanks for your support. Maybe the Cheerios and blueberries in the morning are too many carbs. Maybe I should try the low carb toast and peanut butter like Rachel did. I have been reading labels and cutting way back in sugar even using Stevia now instead of Splenda which I thought was okay. I think I am in denial. I will really have to try to do better. If the weather would only cool off, I can get more walking done. I am up and out with the dog before 6 at it is already in the 80's and we come home panting and dripping even after 30 minutes. I will stop making excuses and whining now. I am done. Judy in AZ :roll:
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12 Aug 2008 10:56 #24029

Judy, hang in there and don't give up. I think our bodies get used to one weight and don't want to change. Sometimes it just takes a little extra boost before the weight goes. It should start cooling off in the mornings & evenings in a couple of weeks and you'll probably feel more like doing that extra walking then. Just remember, it took time to put the extra pounds on and it will take time to take it off.

We're all here for you when you need to vent:)

Sandy in Phoenix
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12 Aug 2008 09:56 #24018

Judy in AZ. My heart goes out to you. I know just how that discouragement feels. Hang in there. Even with the little ice cream tantrum, your body is due for a drop and it will happen. I'm the plateau queen and I've said before I can go weeks without seeing any results and then boom a huge loss. Also I've been diabetic for about 15 years and it's as slippery and unmeasureable as can be sometimes. I get the 6 month blood test to see how I average over the months.
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12 Aug 2008 09:33 #24015

911kitchen wrote:
Now I am going to make you all sick and envious. Keep in mind I did have the gastric bypass so hunger isn't really the problem. IT IS CRAVINGS :!: :evil: I lost a pant size in 10 days by just giving up coffee :idea: and cereal. I switched to hot tea with out sugar. If I wanted flavor in it I added mint. Then for breakfast I had fruit and toast and peanut butter, or toast and egg. Then I just had my usual soup for lunch.

Good job Rachel. I'll have to try something else for breakfast too. I love cereal and I know it is a big weakness for me.
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12 Aug 2008 09:31 #24014

Nancy we are all going to have set backs. We have to keep moving forward. Ice cream isn't going to destroy all your other hard work. Step it up a notch and you will start burning calories. (((((((Nancy)))))) We are all here for you.
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12 Aug 2008 09:13 #24013

I went to the doctor yesterday and came home really depressed. All of that daily walking hasn't seemed to do any good. The 1200 calorie diet I have been on, plus eliminating sweets etc, hasn't done me any good either because my blood work showed that all of my numbers were up from the last time I went. Now she wants me to lose more weight and walk an hour instead of the 30 minutes that I was doing.. I guess I will have to give up eating. She wants me to try Weight Watchers. I don't like WW and have to drive all the way into town to step on the scale. I have the plans from when I was on it before and gained it all back. She says that before I was on the borderline of Type 2 Diabetes, but now I do have it but can control it my diet and exercise. So you know what I did? I came home and finished off the ice cream that I had bought for the little girls when they came over this past weekend. I even added chocolate syrup. This is the first ice cream that I had bought all summer. So that is my sad story. Judy in AZ
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12 Aug 2008 06:48 #24000

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Some weeks are harder than other and cravings and temptations seem greater on the weekends. I don't take snacks to work so out of sight out of mind. But at home it hard not to reach for something everything I go through the kitchen. I have no excuse but I didn't use the treadmill Saturday or Sunday and almost didn't last night. But I did end up walking a mile so I slipped over the weekend but hopefull I am back on track.
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11 Aug 2008 21:42 #23987

Now I am going to make you all sick and envious. Keep in mind I did have the gastric bypass so hunger isn't really the problem. IT IS CRAVINGS :!: :evil: I lost a pant size in 10 days by just giving up coffee :idea: and cereal. I switched to hot tea with out sugar. If I wanted flavor in it I added mint. Then for breakfast I had fruit and toast and peanut butter, or toast and egg. Then I just had my usual soup for lunch.
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11 Aug 2008 10:28 #23935

Thanks for the nice words Wanda, I went to the gym this morning. The class was called Boot camp.... I kept up pretty well, if I couldn't figure out something I just marched in place. The instructor, ( thin, tanned, blonde, you get the picture,) kept coming over to my friend and I I think she was trying to show us what we were doing wrong. I was just thrilled I could do something!
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10 Aug 2008 19:40 #23895

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Roni and Pat, remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so you are doing great! The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. Working out is great for your bones also. Keep up the great work!

Happy Quilting,

Shiner TX
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