suehenyon wrote:
Well, Rosemary, Ricky's segment is only 13 minutes long.
Is Loch Lomond where the Chinese Whispers quilt will be? Side track...I'm listening to a GREAT book called Outlander, awesome listen, that takes place with a bit of time travel (thanks to Scottish magic) in the 1700's around Inverness. Quilts, kilts, and tapestries, oh my. Had to look at Google maps for a geography lesson.
I love, love, love the whole Outlander series! It was fun last summer to visit the places in the books -- Culloden, Inverness, Fort William, Loch Ness, etc. We traveled up there with my daughter and her family. She's the one who turned me on to the book series. Can't wait for the next book to come out! This summer I think... In fact in 2011, my first year over here, when I visited my first stone circle, I wrote to her and told her no tingling felt.