Thanks go to so many people in this wonderful exchange and the surprises it held.
I want to stop holding my breath now and tell you that I almost blew the whole thing but I have Ritzy to thank. She REALLY knows how to keep a secret. With all the emails going on and the secrets, hsts, batiks, strippers, secret blocks, (I had to get copyright permission from our provincial quilt organization to reproduce my block - their logo) some to Austrailia, some to the UK, a blessing from Korea etc...and the extra friends I've made and contacted through all this, I mistakedly sent an email to Ritzy(Arlene), that should have gone to Scoopie(Dawn) and was horrified when she wrote back to say she didn't know what I was talking about. Well, I almost croaked! I wrote back to tell her that I made a mistake and got mixed up with all the new TQS friends and organizers, writing to people with screen names, real names etc.

I was in a bit of a tizzy! I asked her to NOT SAY ANYTHING. She wrote back and told me " I know nothing!" (and she didn't ask questions!) Thanks goes to Ritzy for being so trustworthy and keeping the secret. I am releaved that it truly was a secret. So sorry that I almost blew it, but we can count on each other as kindred Sottt sisters. Good job, Ritzy! Three cheers for Ritzy!
whew! glad to get that off my chest
Now someone's talking about 2012? But I know I'd be a sucker for it, if this thing goes...what's a spool?
Thanks for letting me rant on.