Just to let everyone know, TQS will be posting a Smilebox on the Daily Blog of all of the blocks, in a little over a week. If you have not kept up with the exchange; I contacted one person in every state in the US, every country, every territory in Australia, and every province in Canada that had participants in the HST exchange, and asked them to make a quilt block representing their state, country, province, or territory, to present to Debbie and Clara as a "Thanks" from all of us. These blocks were then mailed to me and I assembled them into two loosly ringed books that were carefully placed into some awesome boxes that Rosemary (PosyP) from England made and shipped to the US. This was one of most gratifying projects I have ever worked on, and I want to thank all who participated! I have made so many wonderful friends through the hundreds of emails that it took to put this together. And, the best part? It was a secret to the very end!

And, I want to thank Barbara Marcone, my partner in this project, who asked, "What can we do to say "Thank You?"
In beautiful Northwest Montana