Dear SoTT’S,
I have been off track, doing other small projects. Wish I had known about the Sept 1st deadline-too late to make it now but will try to make it for January.
Everyone’s projects are just sew beautiful!
I just love all of the designs & use of color. I am trying to do the Medallion Quilt our of Edyta’s book. I think I will have enough left over to do the Life Tree also. Too bad we couldn’t have a booth with all our quilts displayed in Houston and show to get fabric exchanges started,etc. You guys are certainly the experts with what you got done during the exchange! It was such a great group
I am doing Syta’s Medallion Quilt & it makes me dizzy sometimes trying to move HST’s/colors around and the like. Anybody have any secrets or words of wisdom?
First mistake is I don’t have a Design wall so it is spread out all over the top of our guest bed ; then I start moving HST’s around to see what it looks like. I sure would like to get it done if only my DH & my four dogs would help out. My longhaired Chihuahua has been diagnosed with myastyenis Gravis (sp). We had to take him to a Charleston specialist while they kept him in ICU for a couple of days.
What a challenge his treatment is but we just love him so much we have to try to save him. The rest of the family, humans & canines would be devastated!
Well hopefully I can get a second panel done tomorow and post it to get some input on the color of the border.
Barbara in Bluffton