florence wrote:
OK, here's what I learned from my Postmistress...
First, background: When I mailed them on a Saturday they were working both windows in our little sub-Post Office. I was NOT at the window with the full-time lady.
So, today I'm explaining to her what was done & the PostMistress makes a face when I get to "stuck the metered payment on the return envelope". Yup, not supposed to do that. I said "so I've heard" and explained that this was a large exchange and we were getting mixed signals. She says "imagine if it didn't get returned for several weeks". I said I KNOW it isn't going to get returned until some time AFTER April 1. So I said, I guess I need to buy some stamps, and she said "no, it really shouldn't be any problem." Me: Are you sure? then I explained that the return address was mine too so if it was returned it would come to me, I didn't even really get that statement finished she's still saying "it really shouldn't be any problem. It'll get here..." So even though it's a P.O. no-no, she didn't think it would affect the mailing. My thought is, think of the things the Post Office misplaces for great lengths of time, some of them could be metered!
So my thought is, if we've already done it, it's done. If you haven't sent yours yet, stamps are probably better.
And if Debbie runs into trouble trying to send the things back, I'll send her some stamps AND a bottle of wine!
Thanks, Florence. We'll see what happens...that wine is sounding good about now