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TOPIC: How's your weather?

23 Jun 2008 09:39 #20593

Who would think that the fog could be so welcomed. We finally have our normal weather pattern back after several days of record breaking heat.
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20 Jun 2008 17:38 #20463

  • ritzy
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We have had a few days reprieve from the rain but they are expecting more tonight or tomorrow. Lots of floods but we have been safe.
Blessing from Northwest Indiana, USA
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20 Jun 2008 14:10 #20454

Today is a record breaking 106 degrees. It hasn't ever been this hot as long as I've lived in this town.
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19 Jun 2008 11:51 #20359

oh my are we in for a warm day it is 9:45 and it is 89 degrees.
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How's Your Weather? 19 Jun 2008 11:43 #20358

Here in sunny, HOT, southern AZ it is supposed to be 107 again today and 109 Fri and Sat. Oh, but it is a dry heat! That is what they keep telling this transplanted Illinois native; but, to me HOT is HOT and it's like walking out into a blast furnace. It is very dry now, as the monsoons haven't started, yet, so that is good. When the monsoons come, it is hot and humid, much like IL. All in all I llike it much, much more than IL weather. We're going to CO way up in the mountains for July and Aug, so we'll be cool then. :D
Mary Anne in Green Valley, AZ (20 miles south of Tucson).
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18 Jun 2008 23:37 #20320

  • Judymc
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Julie, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you in the flood areas. My heart goes out to everyone that has lost their home and belongings. Sometimes I get bored with the weather here in Torrance, CA, but with all the awful disasters around the country, I'm pretty lucky. It's been sunny and warm here all week.
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18 Jun 2008 19:47 #20307

Checking in from the southeast Wisconsin flood zone. We are finally getting back to almost normal. Interstate 94 has been closed westbound since last Friday but plans are in the works to route westbound onto the eastbound lanes around the flooded areas. Getting to and from work has been a bother because home is on the detour route. The past few days have been just beautiful with 70s during the day and down to the 50s at night. What a blessing the sun is. Gloria
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18 Jun 2008 18:33 #20302

In the Oregon Cascade Mountains we have had weird & strange weather this year..... 300% of our annual snowfall, cold rain, etc. In May everyone prayed for warmer weather and it got up to 95 degrees, roasted all the new growth on the plants & trees, dried up blossems .... weird!! Then more rain and cold. We had our heat on until last week, it usually gets shut off in early May. I haven't heard anyone complain much lately. They feel it could be worse and besides they may get their wish like they did in May!! :P We are luckier than some states. Today it is in the low 70's, sunny and a little wind. I hope the weather gets better in the flooded areas.
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Re: How's your weather? 18 Jun 2008 18:30 #20301

  • Lorna1021
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dogquilter wrote:
We are expecting our first summer weather today. It is 7 am and it is already 70 degrees. We is suppose to reach 88 today. That is hot for Lompoc California.

Wow I miss Lompoc and the central California coast. I lived in Lompoc in 04-06 and loved it. Now I am here in hot, hot Texas where it has been in the 90's for a while now.
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18 Jun 2008 16:32 #20293

From the flood zone in Cedar Rapids, IA - it's relatively nice at a balmy 80 degrees. The flood seems to receding. Most of the bridges that were once under are open including today, a major one that helps with the north/south route. WooHoo! On that happy note, there are hundreds of homes that have already been declared unsafe to enter. That means the occupants can't even enter to get the rest of their belongings. We are still waiting to see if 2 of our friends can get into their homes. They aren't listed yet on the master list yet. Our water restrictions have been lifted up another notch. We were on a drink only restriction, then lifted to being able to shower briefly/do essential laundry on odd/even days according to house number but today that was lifted too. We can't do the watering of lawns, washing of cars, etc. but just being able to shower normal (but effeciently) every day is AOK by me. Keep praying for the those who have lost everything.
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18 Jun 2008 15:37 #20288

It couldn't be nicer here in the mid-Atlantic - Maryland. Temps are in the mid 70's with breezes and no humidity. We got out and did some serious gardening yesterday. What a wonderful break from the usual three "H's" - heat, haze, humidity - of summer in MD. Saving a few pennies by turning off the A/C and opening up the house....love it!
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18 Jun 2008 13:43 #20279

Florence you are too right about feeling the effects of the midwest flooding. I fear between the floods and the gas prices we americans are going to be in dire straights. Crime is going to be at an all time high. We as a nation have been spoiled far to long. By the way it is n't even 65degrees here in Franklinville NY. And it is gloomy overcast. YUK :mrgreen: :(
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18 Jun 2008 13:33 #20274

I wish I knew :cry: I'm stuck in an office :roll:
my computer tells me it's 79 degrees and the sky is partly cloudy... but I'm getting out soon, and George has his first baseball game tonight so it should be great for that, not too hot! We had hot, hot, hot last week, this is much nicer!

But on this same vein, have we heard from anyone in the midwest flood areas? The devastation looks just terrible and I feel so much for these folks, but it seems that b/c it's been a longer-term disaster, it's getting much less media attention. We're ALL going to feel the results of this!!

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18 Jun 2008 13:25 #20272

  • ERich
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It should be about 85 degrees in Oklahoma City today. It is humid and there is a chance of storms. We have had our share of storms this season. The good news---my step-father got his wheat harvested without any hail damage! The bad news---Monday night the home of some good friends who live in our neighborhood was struck by lightning and burned down, a total loss! They have insurance, but it is still so sad. I helped them Tuesday afternoon for a while, going through the mess seeing what could be saved. Anyway, with all the rain we have gotten so far this year, the plants are very happy and it is beautiful.

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