Well, I just spent the last bit going around the house and closing all the windows as the winds have shifted fromt the W / NW to S/ SE and that means we are going to heat up and the dust from the gravel trucks using our road for the interstate construction project will be a bit much to take. It is 10am and we are already at 72 in the shade and it was only 67 an hr ago. I'm thinking the local weather guys will be eating a bit of crow later, lol. They predicted a mild 80 degrees for today and they have been off by 5 degrees all week thus far, so guess I shouldn't expect anything different today. I just hope the storms stay west as they say, but will be prepared if the front moves closer than predicted.
Well, I better go find which closet my ambition is hiding in, I finally got all 60 of the curved blocks pinned and ready to sew last night and hopefully I can get in a groove at the machine and get them all finished.
TTFN & Happy Quilting