Since we have met with two of the three solar companies...we also did an 'energy' audit. It was interesting. We will be adding more insulation to the attic in the fall, replacing all weather stripping around the doors, also adding insulating blockers to all outside wall switches.
The solar is very is $$$ up front. All of the grant money and tax advantages have expired for this year. Hopefully there will be more money for next year. We may still do it on a limited level if there is no more grant money offered.
Also....we will be replacing our fridge with a more energy efficient one. Frankly....clothes dryers are just not energy efficient and I will continue to hang out our clothes. I have also purchases two indoor racks for the winter.
Unfortunately, I heat with oil...gas is not available to us. But apparently we have one of the most efficient furnances available at this time. By turning the heat back (which is what we did last year) we used less fuel than the year before. Over the summer, we turned down our hot water tank, ran the dishwasher less, took shorter showers....and just got a fill and from March to July I only used 50 gallons!! Not too shabby at all. Keep in mind our heat was still on in Mar and part of April.
My last electric bill was $200 less than my neighbors. I am very happy....VERY HAPPY. We really have watched and we don't 'waste' electric. Unplugging all computers and electrical appliances (with the excepting of the fridge) when not in use....changing all light bulbs, turning off lights, and not using our air conditioner...has made a tremendous impact.
It really has become 'second nature' and has not been hard at all.
As I say.... if you are not using it...UNPLUG IT.
The new war on the front is FOOD!! The past two week we have fallen off the wagon. We are doing some painting, cleaning and moving furniture around. I have been so tired that I have not wanted to cook. So not only have our diets been in the garbage but my food budget as well. AS soon as the next room is done (which is by the weekend) it back to the keeping the food budget in line again. So basically...what I have saved in electric and doing the remodeling ourselves we have spent in food!