I haven't been keeping up on the Forums for quilt awhile, but what a great topic with so many great suggestions in the string. A few things we have been doing -
- living in Colorado, the sun is strong and hot (afterall, we are one mile closer to the sun than a lot of places in the US). We installed window film that resists 50%+ of the heat and our air conditioning and winter heating bills were much lower
- we have really been focused on food in-take and not wasting anything. Smaller portions when shopping and just enough for the 3 of us
- we ride our bikes more for the short trip to the store (and my cute basket on the front of my bike is finally coming in handy)
- my hubby is using Craig's List (an on line selling community - set up for just your local community/town/city) to sell things that we just aren't using anymore
- we have really reduced our family gift giving to important things that we know we will use - no gag gifts, no things that will get tossed out after a short use, etc
- always purchase gas at Sam's Club (luckily they offer it in the Denver area stores)
- I work for the biggest recycling company in the US, so we recycle everything that we possibly can..... it's great for the environment and I know I am wasting less!!!
Great topic! Thanks for sharing all your ideas.... I saw a few that I am going to try!
Mary Kay