Heather7, I saw your (life is too short comment about the double nine patch. Loved Barbara"s comment on the normal
nine patch, and that started me thinking is there an easier way to get a double nine patch. So this morning I tried to make
and appliqued double nine patch. Picture of the regular pieced and the applique below.For
the applique I just cut a finished size since
it was an experiment. I cut one background piece 6.75 inches square. I drew the grid with frixion pen. I put print and fuse on the
back of a couple colored strips. Cut the strips to .75 inch and then sub cut to .75 squares. Put them in place on the grid and fused down.
Stitched the 8 patch lines so it would look like pieced. Started to stitch with dark mono filament on the batiks squares. It would probably
work and was way faster than all the cutting of the back ground and the worry about which way to press the seam allowances. I might
try this on another project. You got my mine thinking. Thank you. HelenW