Geneva had it right ! sure has been hot on this thread the last few days ! Everyone has been so busy !
I'll miss somebody if I try to answer know I read most if not all...this thread is just super !
I had been dragging my heels and hadn't signed up for IMQE even tho minis are right up my alley....a
lot of US signers right away. Gave in when things looked more promising. Well, got partnered up this
morning....what a surprise! My teammate is none other than Twiglet/Wendy !! What fun! A "Whispering"
"Lounging" MugRugger" and FB friend to boot ! ....How many of you guessed?? from her comment earlier.?
Not many of us TQS folks in Idaho.
Spring took it's time...but really has been nice the last few days. I'll post some pics soon. Area ShopHop was
last week of April and DH enjoys going so we made 2 big loops to shops....great fun to see all the new fabrics
and projects, etc. Really tried to keep the card from singin' too much !!
Pics there,too.
And finely...all my Rows are d-o-n-e done ! I remember when it all seemed so far in the future !
last 2 out in the mail in the morning....only 4 to wait patiently to come to me. Then the real work begins !
Until the next time.....happy quilting all !