just read the guidelines and clicked JOIN on the international miniature quilt exchange...
as i won't have to submit the actual quilt till early next year i decided that i can join the fun - although i know i won't be doing much sewing this spring/summer/fall...
fabulous stuff being made all around - sooooooo jealous want do try it all - but love looking too.
wendy: fingers are for using, for holding, for licking when chocolate being held has melted, for looking after and comforting, for all kinds of things - but definitely NOT for putting a sewing machine needle through! yes - i know it happens - have done it too - now generally more careful (generally). very glad it was saveable and you can already do stuff with it! love those pin-thingies - looking great - another thing i want to try...
saying goodbye for a while...
as most of you know by now - I'll be moving in june - and off for a vacation in canada for almost a month before that... so I won't be around for a while as I need to get myself organized...
now -> 18. May: clear out and give away more stuff / pack everything else - just keeping what is absolutely necessary to live
bring my sewing machines for their big service / work - and get things organized for the spring/summer exhibitions / pack for vacation
19. may: get my hair done / bring luggage to railway station and do early check-in
20. may: hop on plane / hello montreal / hello terrie & walter
21. may: hop on train for ottawa
17. june: hop in plane for switzerland
18. june: try to stay awake until evening - get some fresh air
19. june: get key to new apartment ...
20.-25. june: get caught up on work and do the last of the packing
26. june: move
27. june: clean the old apartment
28. june: say goodbye to two workmates - one is leaving the company and the other is going off on maternity leave
29. june: check apartment is really clean and turn over keys
summer: get new apartment organized / at work try to do a 5-person job with 3 people for the next month or so while hopefully working in someone new...
september: hope to be back here
the state of my livin-/sewing room right now (yes my lizards are still hanging - and they'll stay up as long as possible - absolutely necessary for survival mode
What will be my new apartment as it was yesterday morning - joe is also in the midst of moving...
My new view (unfortunately it was raining and cloudy yesterday so you can't see the mountain... or the lake
the green hill you see is actually the foot of mount Rigi - the queen of mountains ... you'll get a good picture with an actual view in july - i hope