For my virtual retreat right now, I am continuing with dyeing fabric.
I ordered new dyes last night. I found an invoice for some dyes I had on hand and was amazed at how old they were. How time flies. That is probably a primary reason the dye did not bond with the fiber and kept bleeding into the rinse water.
From now on I will write the date on the dye container. Duh.
About the red specks... When I took a dyeing class at Quilt University, we were taught to strain the dye/water paste through knee-high hose. You can usually buy knee-highs inexpensively at the dollar store. We put the knee hose around the opening of a small jar and strain the paste through the hose into the jar.
I take extra care with red, as it seems to be the worst for making specks. Oddly, when I did snow dyeing this winter, and sprinkled dry red dye on top of the packed snow, it made no specks on the fabric under the snow. Can't figure that out.
'Flying by the seat of one's pants and making it up as you go along' is a springboard for creativity!
Heat index today my part of Virginia is 101. I hope every one can stay cool today.
Kathy, I love the teas you recommended! Think I will make iced tea with them today!!!