Here are two skills all quilters will need at some point. Alex has some tips based on real life experiences.

Today June 24, 2020 LIVE on Facebook at 10am PST, 1pm EST, 6pm London Time.


#5 Chloe2 2020-06-25 14:44
Alex, I learned so much from today's show. I never really knew what blocking was, but wish I had as I made a couple wall hangings in the past that was not straight or square and could have used this method.

Your always teaching us something new! Thanks.
#4 Ginny Moe 2020-06-24 12:38
Thank you Alex for your informative presentations and for your kindness!
#3 Mimi J Rose 2020-06-24 12:16
Is the quilt dry or damp?
#2 EricaRibeiro 2020-06-24 12:12
What temperature is the water when you wash your quilt
#1 Kristy S. 2020-06-24 12:08
My quilt with the yo yos had prairie points stitched down at the top and bottom of the central applique section, and the lowest flower did have jumbo rick rack around the perimeter. I used Kathy Doughty's technique for the stems...and loved it.
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