Alex loved these tips from National Educator Teresa Coates who discusses her top seven tips for working with Cuddle® Minky Fabrics.

1. Mark minky fabric before you cut it.

2. Cut minky fabric with the right tool.

3. Get rid of the minky fabric mess before you sew.

4. Use double pinning to keep minky fabric stable.

5. Lengthen your stitch and lower your pressure.

6. Use a 90/14 stretch needle.

7. Use a walking foot.

You can learn more about working with Minky fabrics from Teresa in Show 2410.


#1 BlueEmAqua 2020-01-15 13:40
Good to know. I'm just starting a project with Minky and now I won't be ripping out thread or my hair from frustrating slippage. Thank you for the tips!
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