Kelly Clarkson tells the story of a woman who finds an unfinished quilt project at an estate sale and rallies hundreds of quilters across the country to turn the unfinished piece into a work of art in memory of the original quilter. Watch how it all happened and see the finished quilt.

#5 caroljeana 2020-01-02 15:53
The handwork is stunning! What happened to the finished quilt?
#4 JeaneB22 2019-12-24 15:10
This is amazing! Stitchers, regardless of their specialty, are the best. We are always willing to help and to share!
#3 Threads1080 2019-12-24 07:46
Shannon may have said she wouldn't cry, but I am! Threads do bind us all together. Hugs to all!
#2 LRoy 2019-12-23 08:16
Such a Heartwarming and uplifting story and outcome!
#1 Bethelbee 2019-12-23 07:38
What an amazing project and for all those who came together to complete the quilt!! So heartwarming! Rita would be so proud of those women.
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