Michelle Bencsko was inspired by Heather Grant's MQC lecture on alternate gridwork. She was excited about the principle of "breaking the grid" in her quilt design. She managed to do that quite well in her quilt Off the Grid, and we actually wondered how she pieced it. Take a look at the detail and try and figure it out.
Off the Grid was exhibited at QuiltCon 2016.

#1 Debbie Day 2019-04-19 06:17
I would guess Michelle pieced the entire quilt leaving that upper right-hand section just blank solid gray. When you zoom into the red and gray section of the quilt you can see the grain of the gray fabric changes direction. That section of the quilt was pieced separately. She then laid the red and gray section over the top of the blank area, adjusting it until she found and angle she liked. Marked around two edges of it, removed it and added a 1/4" to her marked lines. At this point it would be tough deciding whether to cut it on the second line or just lay the 2 pieces RST and sew that first seam. There would be some bias going on there so you would have to be careful. Either way, it's a Y-seam so you would have to stop 1/4" away, pivot, and then sew the second seam. If she didn't cut the excess gray away, (and everything went okay) she would cut it away now leaving a 1/4" seam allowance.
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