Ricky recently had a new door hung in his home. Or should we say an "old" door. Ricky's door is from Egypt and is not exactly new. It is however quite beautiful. Take a look at Ricky's door and then watch the video showcasing "The Top Ten Most Beautiful Doors Around the World."


#8 BarbCA 2018-03-31 18:21
Thanks for sharing the doors! I especially like Ricky's. What is Ricky's door history?

#7 Kerry 2018-03-29 05:36
I'm a teeny bit jealous Ricky, but there isn't a way I could make one of those doors fit into my little house, it just wouldn't work anywhere. So now I'll just have to look at yours instead.
#6 Thornbury 2018-03-28 16:33
All the doors were very creative and imaginative. What fun!
#5 SueBuck 2018-03-28 10:23
I've always been fascinated by doors and doorways. In fact, our local guild's current challenge is "Doorway". I was lucky to visit Georgia O'Keeffe's home in Abiquiu, NM last year and took a wonderful photo of the passageway into the inner court of her home there. It's been a challenge, but about ready for quilting. Ricky, your door wins!!!
#4 Elizabeth Rivera 2018-03-28 09:14
Wow just stunning. What a statement.
#3 Dottie Macomber 2018-03-28 08:07
I agree with HelenW: Ricky's door beats out all those others, which are just weird and over-the-top, except maybe the German Alps one, which is beautiful simply because of the view. (Why didn't they include the door that was pictured as the tease for the video? That was better than the "top ten".)
#2 HelenW 2018-03-28 06:59
I like Ricky's old door better than any of the top 10
most beautiful doors in the world. Excellent choice
#1 lbarnes 2018-03-28 06:46
It's beautiful! Love how it slides.
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