TheQuiltShow.com is celebrating its 10 years online with a makeover. We contracted with Internet Experts to identify what people want online. Is it exciting titles that include:


"Jawdropping..." or

"The Audience wasn't Ready for this Moment..." or

"The One Thing You Should Never..." 


Or is it something else? Well TQS has spent over $100,000 to find the answer of what internet viewers want.

The experts told us to think about the 1 Top Reason Everyone goes to the Internet.

We think we may have it nailed. The experts have put together a new front page for us. Are we on the right track? Send this to your friends. We need all the opinions we can get.


#120 Diane Mettler 2017-04-05 15:09
It has been a wonderful 10 years of TQS and many more to ccome. You are the pioneer and have set the bar high for others. I love the spoof and all the cats.....could accept the joke and format if you were to use it.....congratu lations of the 10 year achievement!
#119 joan 2017-04-04 09:18
ok glad it's an April Fools! I watch cat videos on occasion, but was afraid the site was going to be one big cat video!
#118 EditorAnne 2017-04-04 03:55
Hahaha! Yes, you have it exactly right!
#117 victoriaedm 2017-04-03 23:45
The kitties are gorgeous!
#116 dbadbadger 2017-04-03 15:14
#115 jo hansen 2017-04-03 14:35
LOVED the April 1st front page. Made me laugh OUT LOUD!!
#114 PatsyNoelia 2017-04-03 13:43
Your new setup is worth the money and more! It is awesome and will make things so easy to find. As for the April Fools joke about the kitties, I watched every second since I love Kitties all shapes and sizes! Will show it to my Kitties later! I have a couple that watch TV with me. And, to those of you that sew with your kitties, make sure you have a jar next to your sewing machine for all those fancy threads, as I had a terrible ordeal with one where she got a hold of some gold thread and she almost died. I even have jar with a lid when I hand sew anything! She was my million dollar Kitty! After each sewing session, the cut threads go in a baggy and straight to the trash can. And, Happy 61st Birthday to Ricky, I loved that show and will watch it again. Keep up the good work, you have found all the things that go together to make a great program for a great price. Thank You.
#113 Joan 2017-04-03 05:36
As a kitty lover I say way to go. I've seen my four legged felines do lots of these very stunts. A laugh a day when you have kitties.
#112 mickiemack 2017-04-02 16:41
Laughed out loud at the cat video.......I love TQS, can't believe it's been 10 years since you went on line.
#111 DianaML 2017-04-02 07:58
Congrats on 10 years! But....I can't lie, I love the cats! LOL
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