As so many of you know from watching the current show with Rosa Rojas, the Apliquick tools have a great story and are marvelous quilting tools. We offer these quality tools in our Shop. We have a problem. We anticipated a certain number of sales. The orders that came in were 5 TIMES our expectations. We were shocked. We currently only have 1 employee in the Shop. So we quickly hired a helper but that wasn't enough. Alex and Capt'n John have been filling orders along with Rose. Then we ran out of product. We have 3 orders on the way from Spain and will fill every order as fast as we can when the boxes arrive.

Please accept our apology for the delay and miscalculation. We plan to gear up to allow every member to have a chance to get these items in their studios. Thank you for your patience. The tools are worth the wait- Alex loves hers.

Capt'n John

#8 Pickleweed 2016-12-21 17:50
Yep ordered them and received them quite quickly and I can't wait to try them out. I was surprised and quite pleased with the weight of each tool. Very nice quality!!
#7 Tracy May 2016-12-16 07:58
Great Job Olga and Rosa. I am so happy for you both. It is truly a wonderful experience when you make something that will impact so many applique'rs. After mine set arrives, I will call so you both can come over and demonstrate your methods in person. That would be a great Christmas gift indeed. If not, I purchased my set to go under the tree, just for me.
#6 Donna Kooistra 2016-12-16 04:30
Although I purchased my tools elsewhere over a year ago, I just have to say, they are totally worth waiting for! It has revolutionized my applique projects both large and small while still allowing me the handwork finish I so enjoy. The show was great! Thanks for featuring Rosa and the products!
#5 Sarasue 2016-12-14 15:59
On Dec9 I ordered mine with 2day priority! So this explains why I have not received them. I am glad to know this as I had not ordered from you before and I thought maybe I had made a mistake ordering from you. I will just be patient. Merry Christmas!
#4 stitch65 2016-12-14 09:06
I also received mine a couple of days ago. I haven't had time (or a project) to use them yet but I can't wait to give them a spin. Rosa you are a star! Great show to watch BTW!
#3 Shirlgirl 2016-12-14 08:49
Have all of the tools and love them. Merry Christmas to all of the Quilt Show family.
#2 Scoopie 2016-12-13 22:09
On Cyber Monday I ordered two FMQ rulers, but have not yet received them. Is this because of the many, many orders for the Apliquick tools? Has my order been buried under those orders? It is order #11191
#1 Tinilou 2016-12-13 21:12
I must be one of the lucky ones as mine came in the mail today. I am so excited to have them and can hardly wait to begin practicing. I love applique! Merry Christmas to all of you.
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