
Forever and ever. Have you ever said that about a new diet or weight loss method you are using?

Finally. Finally it seems like you have found something that is working for you. And you think, “I will eat this way forever.” Or, “I will eliminate that food group from my diet forever.” Or, “If this is what it takes, I will keep coming to these meetings for the rest of my life.” Or, “this exercise method is the key to my new thinner self. I will do this for the rest of my life.”

I have. When I started Weight Watchers nine years ago, and it looked like it was actually going to “take,” I remember thinking (and even saying out loud) that I would continue coming to the meetings for the rest of my life. I thought of it as being like an alcoholic who needs to keep going to AA meetings to stay on the straight and narrow.

Only I didn’t. Me and W.W. parted ways  after a couple of years. I like to call it an amicable divorce.

Since starting this last weight loss journey almost 9 years ago, there have been a lot of twists and turns in my diet. The kinds of food I eat, the portions, and how often I eat have changed several times. I have no doubt that as time goes on, I will continue to make changes in my food choices and portions.

The main point, I guess, is to know that the human body is very complex and is not static. It changes, and its needs change. To navigate weight loss and maintenance successfully, I think you have to agree to this and at least be willing to consider change along the way.

If you'd like to read more about my changing diet, click on over to my blog. There is some interesting conversation in the comments from other folks as well.

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