Naomi Yamamoto has created a beautiful goldfish pond in her quilt Kingyo (Goldfish) with hand appliqué, hand quilting, and embroidery. Take a closer look to see how she does it. Kingyo was exhibited at PIQF 2013 as part of the Innovative Category.



#6 Bethelbee 2020-12-21 23:05
What a fun quilt! Love the faces of the fish that are swimming towards me!
#5 Flower41 2020-12-21 22:35
Fantastic quilt. Love how she created the fish. They really look like they are swimming and enjoying every minute of it.
#4 Gesundheit 2020-12-21 13:50
oh my goodness, is that a beautiful (and happy) quilt! Thanks for sharing :-)
#3 Barnie A 2020-12-21 12:14
WTG gal!
#2 SingingSandy 2020-12-21 09:30
Fun! Love that the circles (bubbles) add to the design overall besides adding to the idea of movement.
#1 N. Nielsen, Denmark 2020-12-21 08:39
Just lovely! It makes me smile!
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